Col. Mohammed Abubakar is the aide-de-camp (ADC) to President Muhammadu Buhari. He is the “Man behind the president” as his job entails standing behind the president at all times. Many wonder who exactly is that charming young man! Let’s take a look:

Mohammed Abubakar was born on March 28, 1973, in Zaria, Kaduna state, to inter-ethnic parents from Edo and Kano states.

Col. Mohammed Abubakar: The man behind president Mohammadu Buhari 
Col. Mohammed Abubakar in His Office
He attended Nigerian Military School (NMS) Zaria from 1985–1990.

According to reports, Mohammed Abubakar was the head boy known as “Boy Regimental Sergeant Major” of his set, a position reportedly manned by President Buhari decades back.

Upon graduating from NMS in 1990, Abubakar had a stint at Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria as a science undergraduate student.

In 1992, he proceeded to Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) on gaining admission as a member of 44 regular course to read biological sciences. Upon graduation from NDA with a bachelor degree in biological sciences, He returned to Ahmadu Bello University Zaria for two masters Degrees; a master’s in law enforcement and criminal justice, and another master’s in international affairs and diplomacy (MIAD).

Col. Mohammed Abubakar: The Gallant Abusite ‘behind’ president Mohammadu Buhari 2
Col. Mohammed Abubakar with President Mohammadu Buhari at a function

He has earned numerous decorations and medals in the course of his service to the nation among which are forces service star (FSS), meritorious service star (MSS), passed staff college (PSC), passed junior staff course (PJSC), command medal (CM), field command medal (FCM) and United Nation mission in Sierra Leone medal (UNAMSIL), general operations medal (GOM), golden jubilee medal, centenary and operation Zaman Lafiya medals.

He has served in various army units and formations within and outside Nigeria at different capacities. Among which are Lagos garrison command, United Nations mission in Sierra Leone, headquarters Nigerian army corps of military police admin company Apapa Lagos, special investigation bureau, Apapa, Lagos, army headquarters provost group, Lokoja, Kogi state.
Abubakar was also the camp commandant Giwa barracks detention facility (Operation Zaman Lafiya) between November 2013 – 2014.

He was the first camp commandant to host/receive the international committee of the Red Cross and crescent to the detention facility in January 2014.

He served at the Nigerian Army training centre Kontagora as staff officer grade one operation and training.
He also coordinated the training of 143 battalion on counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency with the United States rangers and the British military advisory training teams respectively.

Abubakar is married to Fatima Musa and the couple is blessed with a daughter, Aisha Nawal.

Published by 
Captain Akaaba 


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