Dino Melaye Mockery his God and Christianity

THIS IS THE LEVEL OF CHRISTIANITY IN AFRICA . Here is Senator Dino Melaye singing "I have no power of my own, holy spirit come and take control, I have no power of my own" inside his living room in Nigeria. Behind him is a $500,000 Dollar Rolls Royce that happens to be one of his furniture. This Rolls Royce has never been driven or expose to the sun and just to let you know, he owns three other Rolls Royce making it a total number of four which is almost 2 Million US Dollars without adding the shipping and Custom Duty. Sad enough, the Village of Senator Dino Melaye has no good road, no Electricity, no Water, no up to date market, no decent Hospital, most of the schools are falling apart while the Unemployed Youths are left with no other option but to support him for investing over 20 Billion Naira on exotic cars. It is very disappointed to see that people that he failed to represent are cheering him up online and praying for god's Protection upon him while the...