Why SARS And SWAT Are Not The Problems Of Nigerians

PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE... WHY NIGERIAN SARS ARE KILLING PEOPLE Written By Yemi success, MD 1. Majority of Nigerians irrespective of tribe or level of education have the SARS attitude. It is often said that if you want to know who a person really is, give him power. That cannot be truer than in Nigeria. Nigerians are simply really reckless with power, no matter how little. You better pray not to have a Nigerian have some advantage over you in any way, or require his/her assistance, Your life could become hell for no reason at all. 2. Recently, I walked into a Nigerian post office to claim a parcel, The ‘big’ woman behind the counter took a long look at me and bellowed from her nose ‘what do you want?’, The nasty way she spoke almost had me fleeing through the nearest exit. Yet, it wasn’t that I had met her before or offended her prior. My only offence was that I was a Nigerian like her seeking her services. She was just being the typical Nigerian with advantage or pow...