Advice to Gov. Yahaya Bello on Imam Leadership in Ebira Land

His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent Your Excellency Sir, let me use this medium to appreciate you on your efforts on security in the entire Kogi State and the efforts you are putting to resolve the Imam ship in Ebiraland May Allah give you more strength and light to do more. The Holy Prophet (s) before his demise has guided humanity in all aspects of life. He never left the issue of imam Ship untouched. Today in Ebiraland on the issue of who has the qualities to be the next Chief Imam, people are of different mindsets, hearts are divided. May Allah, the Almighty give you the foresight and wisdom to search for not only a learned man but a learned man that will contribute to peace, unity and stability. People are of different perceptions relating to this tussle of Imam leadership some people think that knowledge is enough to take the key. While others say No. They consider the first opinion neg...