You can Pray Eid-Prayer with your Family Member in the event of Covid 19

Regarding Ṣalāt al-Eid in light of the COVID-19 lockdown: Bismillah Arahaman Araheem In those communities where the masjids have not yet opened, Ṣalāt al-Eid should be prayed in one’s houses with one’s own family, and there is no need for a khuṭbah. The Eid prayer is not the same as the Friday prayer, as Friday prayer has different conditions and rulings. While the general rule is that Eid ṣalat should be prayed in a large congregation, it is permissible even in regular circumstances for the one who missed Eid ṣalat to make it up at home. The servant of the Prophet (saw), Anas b. Mālik (r ) once missed the Eid prayer in Basrah, so he gathered his family and had one of his household lead them in two rak’ats. And Aṭāʿ b. Abī Rabāḥ (d. 114 AH) said regarding the one who missed the Eid prayer, “Let him pray two rak’ats and say the takbīrs”. Hammād b. Abī Sulayman (d. 120 AH), the famous scholar of Kufa and teacher of Abu Ḥanīfa, said when asked the same question, “He...