Any Example of Joe Biden Amonst African Leaders of Today? l, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> JOE BIDEN: 35 YEARS AS SENATOR, 8 YEARS AS VICE PRESIDENT OF USA BUT LOST SON TO CANCER DUE TO HIGH MEDICAL BILL. ANY EXAMPLE FROM AFRICA? Joe Biden had been in public office for 43 years. He was elected into the Senate at 29. Served in the Senate for 35years and 8years as Vice President yet he couldn't afford to pay for the expensive cancer treatment of his son who was the Attorney General of his State of Delaware.* *The son was an Iraq war veteran who served in the Army before he became Attorney General. Biden had to offer his house for sale to be able to pay for the medical care of his son, of course the son must have spent himself out before Biden, the father could come in to help pay the bill.* *Obama had to stop ...