MENSTRUAL CYCLE AND OVULATION PERIOD. Most ladies don't understand this because of much heavy grammar used to teach it, and we don't listen to our body too. Pls read, start listening to your body for signs and follow the simple analysis/steps for ease of getting pregnant. 👉MENSTRUAL PERIOD:The time blood flows out of your private area, when you use pad. 👉MENSTRUAL CYCLE: Days it takes to see another blood in the month. If you last saw your period in January 6th and it started again on February 5th 2020, then you have 30days cycle (count from 6th January to 5th February). NOTE: It is erroneous to believe its 28days cycle, different women have different cycles ranging from 21-35 days. 👉OVULATION PERIOD: This is time to get pregnant without stress. This is 2 weeks after your period or 2 weeks before the next period. Here's a simple way to calculate your ovulation (unsafe) period. 1. From the first day you see the blood of your period. 2. Pick up a calendar and count 14 days...