Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Teaches and Advice To His Companions

The Three Friends Once the Prophet of God, Muhammad (S) was sitting amidst his Sahaba (Companions) in the mosque when all of a sudden he said: “Today I shall narrate a story to you all which will reveal three riddles for all of you to solve.” This hushed the crowd and they all listened to what the Holy Prophet had to say. Muhammad (S) continued by saying that once a man got to know that the days in his life was numbered and very soon he would be confronted with death. With this knowledge he feared his loneliness in the grave and went searching for true friends who would help and accompany him. He knocked on the door of his first friend and asked whether he would help. To this the friend said, “of course, what are we here for.” But then the man went on to say that he had very few days to live after which he required help. As soon as he uttered this statement, the friend said: “I am sorry but when death does us apart, there is nothing we can do for you but buy you...