Tribute to a Great Community Chief, Alhaji Sadiq Obari Isa, the Odeyani of Anebira, Kaduna

Tribute to a Great Community Chief, Alhaji Sadiq Obari Isa, the Odeyani of Anebira, Kaduna. His Highness Late Sadiq Obari Isa, Odeyani of Anebira Kaduna Written by Mohammed Abdulmalik, Former President Ebira People"s Association, Kaduna Branch. His Highness Alh. Sadiku Isah Obari the Odeyi Ani of Anebira, Kaduna who few days ago (14th June, 2020), after a brief illness. He has been burial according to Islamic right on the 15th June, 2020. May Almighty Allah grant him al-janat Firdausi and his family to bear the irreparable loss...Ameen. Death no doubt is an inestimable end that must come when it is time. If it comes, the grief of all those affected as a result of the death could be best imagined, particularly when it is obvious that never again can such Community Chief be seen or heard. It was the same grief I and my fellow colleagues who had served Ebira People's Association in various capacity hard just felt. The Community Chief Alhaji Sadiq Obar...