9 Longest Serving Legislators of Nigeria's National Assembly

FRONT VIEW OF NIGERIA NATIONAL ASSEMBLY COMPLEX With the return of democratic governance in 1999, the legislative arm has grown into leaps and bounds, breaking new records and expanding existing ones. The 4th Assembly (1999-2003 - as it was known then) was well known in Nigeria's legislative history as the set of Legislators that had the highest changes in its Senate leadership within that period. As at June 10th 2020, the 9th Assembly (which was inaugurated on June 11th 2019) has completed it's first legislative year, making the business of legislation in the new dispensation an uninterrupted affair for a period of 21 years! During this period, a lot of Legislators have come and gone; while others have remained steadfast and committed to the mandate given to them by their constituents. Here, we bring to you a list of 9 legislators who have continued to enjoy the support of their constituency by consistently being elected to represent them at the National Assembly,...