
Showing posts with the label OJUKWU'S SPEECH

He Speech From Ivory Coast After he Ran away

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> *OJUKWU'S SPEECH FROM IVORY COAST* Three days ago I left the Republic of Biafra with certain members of my Cabinet as a result of a decision taken by that Cabinet in the interest of our people's survival. Since my departure events have moved with such breathless speed that friends and foe alike have been left not only bewildered but confused. It is therefore necessary for me to address these words to the international press in order to keep the records right, and in pursuit of the object of my leaving the Republic of Biafra. It is necessary in order to understand events that have led to the drama of the past few days to look back at the origin of our conflict and conduct in this war. Biafra, once the eastern region of Nigeria,