
Showing posts with the label SERVICE CHIEF 2

Are These Service Chiefs Still Qualify To Piloting The Security Situation In This Country

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> We have many Uniform Service Chiefs in Nigeria but the Army,Navy and Airforce are the ones that have their head as Chief of Staff while Paramilitary have their's as Inspector General or Controller General, for all their heads or highest Rank Officer. Alot of People are saying that the Service Chiefs need to be retired. In this Article we are going to see their Date of Birth, Age and the year they enrolled in the Military and Paramilitary respectively. Remember the normal Service Year is 35 years but Once your age is up to 60 years, you will be retired even if you have not served upto 35 years. So now let's go through this Service Chiefs in Nigeria and check if some of them need to be retired or not. 1. General Abayomi Gabriel Olonisakin i