Don't Go Into Marriage, If You Can't Do All These. Marriage is not a child's Play

Marriage between a woman and a man need Understanding, Patience, Faith and Courage before it can work. Before marriage, we all thought that once the knots are tied, this life go sweet die. Only you with your man/woman, enjoying, partying, shopping, doing somersaults anyhow, this, that, yen yen yen😂... Akụkọ🤣 Most of us didn't consider the pressures that would come from home keeping, financial pressure on the family, stress from inlaws, friends, coping with the demands of our jobs while securing the home front, etc. We didn't even think that a time would come when little discussions could result to very big quarrels, and you could actually keep malice with your partner, and say to hell with him/her. We thought having sex everyday would just be fun since we've gotten the licence to be weird, we never imagined that we would one day be forming tayad in the oza room😀. We thought everything would just go as planned and we will live happily ever after, never did w...