
Showing posts with the label ODODO 2

The New Sheriff in Town the Executive Governor of Kogi State Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo. THE FLOWER BOY

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Your Excellency,  Congratulations on Your Inauguration as the 5th Executive Governor of Kogi State. On behalf of my family and my humble self the Owner of ASA Reporters felicitate with you as the new SHERIFF in town, the Executive Governor of our dear Kogi State. The Transformation of Ebiraland North-Central Nigeria 1880-1960: By Prof. Adam Okene Ahmed Abere This great occasion marks the beginning of a new don in our dear state, and the Nation in general, we are confident that your leadership will bring positive changes to our people.  We believe that under your guidance, our state will experience growth, development, and prosperity. Your vision and mission for a better Kogi State is not in doubt that kogi State is going to experience massive transformation of infrastructural development, civil servants inspiring working friendly and we look forward to witnessing the positive impact of your ad