Reasons why Parents Should Stop Skipping Classes For Their Children

LEADERS AND HEIRS ACADEMY SCHOOL FOR FUTURE LEADERS Children in the UK finish secondary at 16/17. Children in the US and Canada finish secondary school at 17/18... a few of them 19. The British children would still go ahead and graduate by 21/22. The Americans and Canadians will still go ahead and graduate at 22/23/24. Or a few years more for courses of more than 5 years. In Nigeria, skipping classes is now the order of the day. Every parent claims their children are the genius and smartest and too intelligent to do all classes. For the life of me; I don't understand what a child who is less than 16 is doing in a University or any tertiary institution for that matter. Where the hell are you rushing these children to? And no! Those who skip classes are most often NOT among the most intelligent. In my primary school, I can remember that the best five students in our class did NOT skip any class. I know the top students in my primary school and we know that mos...