May Allah Bless Emir of Kano Muhammad Sanusi II: The Northern Governors Now Listen to Dethroned Emir Sanusi Lamido Sanusi.

When the news of the removal of the emir first broke, some were amazed, while so many others saw it coming and to either be amazed or agog depended on which school of thought you belonged regarding the altercation that has gone on between the outspoken Emir and the Kano state government. The hue and cry that greeted the removal of former Emir of Kano, Emir Sanusi Lamido Sanusi from office is yet to die down in some quarters. Many perceived that the dethronement had a lot of meandering which are not even farfetched. An Emir Who Was A Sharp Contrast From The Norm Ideology: He was the first highly westernized, educated person to assume the throne. Linguistic: He was the first multilingual emir in Kano, speaking fluent Arabic, English and French in addition to Hausa, his mother tongue. Lineage: He was the first person in the Ibrahim Dabo (1819-1845) dynasty to inherit the throne through his grandfather. Articulation: He was intellectually vers...