What Is the Position of Law About Quit Notice Between Landlord and Tenant Relationship

Between Landlord and Tenant Relationship, There is a Law Guide Quit Notice In issue of quiet notice giving to a tenant by the landlord or caretaker, it's unlawful to ask a lawful tenant to quite the premises (house ) without taking the due process provided by law. The landlord has no right to quit the tenant anytime he likes or ordering the tenant to quit the house within a period of time which is not in accordance with the law regulating the relationship between a landlord and its tenant in matters of quitting the tenant. In quitting a tenant, the land lord must ensure to follow the due process by getting the order of the court through it council and serving the tenant with the order of court asking him to quit the premises at a given period of time. The duration of the time for which the notice to quit will expire, will be determined by the court through the kind considering the kind of tenancy relationship existing between the tenant and its landlord. Example...