Emir Zauzau is Dead. death is inevitable Alhaji Shehu Idris

Inna lillahi wa'innah ilaihi raji'un! Allahumma Agfirhim, warhamhim, waja'al Kabaruhu Raudhatu min Riyadhil Jannah! May Almighty Allah grant you easy and pleasant journey. The Emir of Zauzau in Kaduna State is dead. May his soul rest in Arjanatul Firdaus Breaking News: The Emir of Zazzau, His Royal Highness, Alh. (Dr) Shehu Idris, is dead. The Zazzau Emirate, and indeed the whole nation have lost a father, and a true one at that. An irreparable loss it is, but we accept with a heavy heart! May the Almighty forgive his shortcomings. ''KULLU NAFSIN ZAA'IKATUL MAUT"- "Every Living Soul Must Taste DEATH" He died this morning (20/09/2020) at 44 Nigerian Army Reference Hospital in Kaduna. He came and has completed his assignment on this side of the divide. May Allah have mercy on his gentle soul and reward him with Aljanah Firdaus. Ameen. MY CONDOLENCES TO MEMBERS OF HIS FAMILY AND PEOPLE OF ZARIA EMIRATE. ASA Reporters https...