Pandemonium in Okene Central Mosque as Tijaniya and Izala Battle for Imam leadership in Ebira Land

Pandemonium in Okene Central Mosque as Tijaniya and Izala Battle for Imam leadership in Ebira Land Pandemonium in Ebiralland over the imam leadership of central Mosque Okene, Last week Friday 8th May, 2020 week the Ohinoyi of Ebira suspended praying of Jumaat due to pre-information that some element are trying to cause destruction as a result of publication on Opera news on the New Chief Imam of Ebira land. After the death of Chief Imam of Ebiralnd, Late Alhaji Musa Galadima, whose demise occured on Friday, 19th April, 2019. The battle of who becomes the New Chief Imam of Ebira land became a tussle between two prominent sons of Ebira who are on different sects and they are both every learned both Western Education and Islamic Education. CENTRAL MOSQUE OKENE The tussle The two prominent Islamic sets, Tijaniya and Izala, since the death of the Chief Imam have been engaging in secret and now open confrontations over who should take over the leadership of the Central Mosq...