"Enough of Covid 19 Nonsense" By Abdulyakin Okene is with Usman Ohikere Bello

Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State: NCDC is marketing #CoronaVirus and destroying our Lives. Enough of this #Covid-19 Nonsense. 386 new cases? We have played fool enough!!! ABDULYAKIN OKENE And you have discharged 679... What did you give to this ones you discharged? #Covid-19 is a war, and in times of war you get everyone prepared. Tell Nigerians what this ones discharged took and let everyone take it and be safe. Is Corona more deadlier than Tuberculosis, Sars, Pneumonia, Aids? Early detection saves the life; tell people how to boost their immune system and stop creating marchants out of Corona. People are dying everyday for more serious ailments because they can't access hospitals. People have diabetes, kidney issues, liver issues, heart diseases, cancer, BP, labour complications, Hiv, Brain issues, Lung disease, etc, some need to go to other states to access hospital services... They are dying in numbers and no one is counting ...