How To Correct Mistakes On Sallat

Most people can't differentiate between Qabli and Baadi. Let's take note of this From observation, it has been noticed that lots of us make one or two mistakes either by mistakenly adding to one part of the Sallat prayer or mistakenly omitting one part of the Sallat prayer. Yes, it is actually normal, as it was reported that even the Prophet (S.A.W) made mistake during his lifetime while leading the Sallat Note that you don't have to start your Sallat all over just because of these mistakes. You can actually correct those mistakes without having to start all over. Yes, the Prophet (S.A.W) thought us how to do that. So, what do we have to do to recompense or correct these mistakes? It's very simple. We can correct these mistakes with Qabli or Baadi. Qabli and Baadi are used to correct mistakes from either mistakenly adding to one part of one's solaat prayer or mistakenly omitting one part of the Sallat prayer. It is done during the final Salam...