Muslims Will Fast Twice in A Year, as Time Continue to Change, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Fasting is a compulsory obligation for every Muslim and it is a commandment directly from the holy Quran for the young, adults and old, both men and women. In the year 2030, fasting would be done twice that is in January and December of the same year. This will mean that the Muslim would be having three Eid celebration in the same year. Every Muslim who meet up with the requirement listed below must fast in the month of Ramadan. 1. Sanity: as far as a Muslim is not having any mental issues, fasting is compulsory upon him. Those who have issues with their sanity would have to stay away from fasting as they can not think straight and thus would not be able to adhere to the rules and regulations. 2. Source of food: if a man is blessed wi...