We can re-write Nigeria in Arabic — what matters is governance

google.com, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-9820276073479546" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Written By Fredrick Nwabufo is a writer and journalist Twitter @FredrickNwabufo Bigotry. We are big on it. To inflame passions and to smoke out the most reticent of Nigerians, flagellate the tempers of religion and ethnicity. Yes, then you will see the beast behind the mask. The mute compels speech and even the Nigerian PhD holder brawls when matters circle around his religion and ethnicity. Critical thinking is embargoed and the animal in man takes over. Why do we lose our heads over religion? Some Nigerians become executioners when they assume their religion has been slighted, but when it comes to the bounden duty of holding government to account they surrender their rights to fate. What we should be most concerned about – which is ...