Where The Is the Miraculous Tanzanian Boy, Sheik Sherifudeen Hafiz

google.com, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Use the link to Join A WhatsApp group called soulmate and fun. just click on the link to access it Miraculous Tanzanian Boy Sharif-uddin (or Sharif-iddin) Khalifa, is a miraculous boy, born in in Arusha, in the Northern part of Tanzania (a country in East Africa), in December 1993. Muslims are only a minority in Tanzania and Arabic language is not a native in Tanzania. His parents were Catholic Christians. Their native language is Swahili and they did not know Arabic. When he was a little child, his parents (who were Christians) noticed that he was able to recite the whole Holy Quran by heart, even though no body had ever taught him to do so. Prof Adam Ahmed Abere Has been Appointed as the New Provost of National Defence College, Abjua. Nigeria. At the age of two months, he refused to suckle his mother's milk. At the age of four months, he started reciting verses from the Holy Quran. By t...