
Showing posts with the label KEYAMO 2

No One Can Stop You, Only The President By Brave Minister Festus Keyamo SAN

PRESS RELEASE BY THE HONOURABLE MINISTER OF STATE, LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT, MR. FESTUS KEYAMO, SAN, FCIArb (UK)- JUNE 30, 2020 PURPORTED SUSPENSION OF SELECTION PROCESS OF 774,000 JOBS BY NATIONAL ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES: ALL STATES’ SELECTION COMMITTEES SHOULD PROCEEED WITH THEIR WORK UNHINDERED. Today, in obedience to their invitation, I appeared before the Joint Committees on Labour of both the Senate and the House. The Distinguished Senators and Honourable Members sought to be briefed on the implementation of the Special Public Works Programme so far. However, there was a misunderstanding between us when they questioned why I did not privately submit the program to them for vetting before taking certain steps. They suggested that they ought to have an input on how the programme should be implemented. In other words, they sought to control the programme as to who gets what, where and how. However, I insisted that I could not surrender the programme to their control since their powers unde