Where The Is the Miraculous Tanzanian Boy, Sheik Sherifudeen Hafiz

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Miraculous Tanzanian Boy
Sharif-uddin (or Sharif-iddin) Khalifa, is a miraculous boy, born in in Arusha, in the Northern part of Tanzania (a country in East Africa), in December 1993.

Muslims are only a minority in Tanzania and Arabic language is not a native in Tanzania. His parents were Catholic Christians. Their native language is Swahili and they did not know Arabic.
When he was a little child, his parents (who were Christians) noticed that he was able to recite the whole Holy Quran by heart, even though no body had ever taught him to do so.
At the age of two months, he refused to suckle his mother's milk.

At the age of four months, he started reciting verses from the Holy Quran.

By the time he was one-year old, he was able to recite the whole of the Holy Quran and went on to be able to preach in Arabic, Swahili and French without any formal education.
It is reported that his first words were: "You people repent and you will be accepted by God"  and he spoke these words in Arabic. His concerned parents initially thought he was possessed by demons and called Christian priests to pray for the baby.

Eventually, Muslim neighbors were able to interpret Sharif's alien speech. After his parents recognized that the significance of what their boy is saying and that he is miracle from God, his parents converted to Islam.
Furthermore, despite the fact that he is from Tanzania, he speaks Arabic fluently in addition to 4 other languages (English, French, Italian, and Swahili). He is able to pick up languages very fast, he once said: "I went to Congo and heard people speaking Lingala (the local language). I immediately was able to start speaking it."
Today, he delivers sermons and lectures in Africa and Europe that draw thousands of people to listen to him. Because of this boy, thousands of people have converted to Islam.

Matthew 7:21 – “Not everyone that saidth unto me, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils; and in thy name done wonderful works: and then will I profess unto them; I never knew you: depart from me, ye that works inequities.”
(Comments are the 
Who are you Sharif’uddin…? Who are you in a previous life…? If your story is true; you are unlike anyone born since the birth of the last prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.). Who are you…really? Some geniuses are born but your genius is of different make-up. You did not come to solve the elusive unified theory of everything; you were born reciting the Qur’an in infancy but ah; the Qur’an is the key to the secrets of the universe. What is your mission? You did not come to teach humankind Islam; it has been with us for a thousand and four hundred years unless you have come to reveal to us the secrets that we have been so stupid to see. Are you the re-incarnation of Jesus…? He spoke in infancy according to the Qur’an just like the way you did. Your parents are catholic but you are born speaking Arabic and reciting the Qur’an. Are you Jesus; the anti-Christ? The prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) foretold of your second coming. He foretold that you will break the cross and for that; Christians will call you the anti-Christ. Are you the sign of the end…?
Sheik sheriffdeen now is 27 years old. The Tanzanian “miracle boy” who converted thousands to Islam now lives in The Gambia
- Sharif-uddin Khalifa was a ”miracle boy”, born in Tanzania in December 1993. His parents were Catholics.
- His family disclosed that at the age of 4 months, he started reciting verses in the Quran, without being taught.
- His Christian parents later converted to Islam. It was revealed that Sharif-uddin was fluent in English, French, Italian, Swahili and Arabic, without any formal education.
- One of the countries he visited to deliver a sermon was The Gambia. Thousands thronged the Independence Stadium including senior government officials and members of the Supreme Islamic Council.
- He converted dozens of Gambian Christians to Islam.
- However, it was later revealed by the international media that the whole story of Sharif-uddin was an elaborate scam to hoodwink Muslims across the globe.
So where is Shariff-uddin Khalifa now?
- He has been living in The Gambia since 2007. Sharif-uddin, now Iddy Khalifa, was “adopted” by a Gambian he met online after the death of his parents.
- He holds a diploma in IT from GTMI, and now preparing to study Cisco Networking.
- He described Gambians as “one of the most loving, gentle and caring people in the world.”
- “Gambia will always be part of me,” he said.

Published by 
ASA Reporters 


  1. I’m sure from the interview where you screenshot the older picture of him . You heard him say he was born 1989? And the other boy was born 1993 .. so what’s up bro ???

    1. Sheriffdeen was born in 1993,so I don't understand what arr saying

    2. Sherrideen was born in 1993.so I don't understand where you re heading


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