OGONTO 1 OF OMOYE A NEW DAWN: Adamu Yusuf Onubedo Crowned as Ogonto 1 of Omoye Clan in Ebira Land Kogi State, Nigeria.

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ASA Reporters wish to formally rejoice with Adamu Yusuf  Onubedo on your Turbaned ceremony as OGONTO of Omoye Clan by the Omoye elders in Ebira Land of Kogi State in Nigeria.

This Turbaned was officially endorsed, signed and approved by Okene Local Government Chairman in Person of His Excellency Alh. Muhammed Abdulrazak
May your Reign bring development, co existence and harmony within the Omoye Clan, Ebira, Kogi State and Nation in general.
Congratulations to the entire family of Yusuf Onubedo, Omoye Clan and Ebiras as a whole.
Adamu Yusuf Onubedo was born into the family of Mallam Yusuf Onubedo and Mallama Ramatu Yusuf on 25th December, 1970 at Okene-eba, Okene Local Government in Kogi State of Nigeria. 
He attended Demonstration Primary School Okene for his School Leaving Certificate in 1981 later went to Government Secondary School Iyamoye in then Kwara State and later finish his Secondary School at Fika Secondary School Potiskum then Borno State where he obtained his WAEC in 1986. He proceed to Kwara State Polytechnic Where he obtained National Deploma in 1992. As His quest for education he proceed to University of Lagos obtained Bsc Accounting in 2009.
He work with Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos and Presently leaving in Abuja. He is married with children
Congratulations once more 
The New Traditional Ruler of Clans Visited Ohi of Okene


  1. Congratulations Uncle I wish you all the best life and throne can offer

  2. When did this happen and you guys never tell anyone. Congratulations my brother. I wish you successful leadership on throne congratulations once again


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