With the emergence of Professor Ibrahim Agboola Gambari as Chief of Staff to President Buhari, the road now seems clear for Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu's 2023 presidential ambition and here are the reasons:

Gambari is a Democrat.

For a long while, the president had been surrounded by people who did not quite exhibit democratic qualities. 

Nigerians were worried about a cabal in power that was very distanced from the people and the realities of their sufferings. 

There were also rumours of a very tight Fulani click that was determined to stop Bola Tinubu's presidential ambition, preferring instead that power remaims in the north. 

There had also been allegations that the likes of Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, the late Abba Kyari, Mamma Daura and others did not trust Tinubu, who is an astute political gladiator and game changer, vowing therefore to check any dreams he may be nursing to become the President of Nigeria.

The Aisha Buhari Factor

It is no secret that Nigeria's First Lady, Dr. Aisha Buhari is a big fan of Bola Tinubu, who she gives credit for helping her husband win the 2015 presidential election after failing three times. 

She had indeed voiced her support when she openly criticised her husband for dumping those who brought him to power. Analysts believe that she was speaking about Bola Tinubu, who was seemingly sidelined immediately after the elections and allegedly had almost no access to Aso Rock. 

Aisha had a long public battle with the so called cabal and raised an alarm even before Abba Kyari tested positive for COVID-19, that the President must shut down the country immediately. 

According to sources at the seat of power, Aisha Buhari has become very influential in government since Kyari's illness and eventual death and has positioned herself as a power broker; she is also as the closest person to the President who would have his best intentions at heart. 

Villa sources believe that the emergence of Gambari, a technocrat who comes highly quaified, is the behind the scene handwork of Aisha Buhari. 

Before now, there have been stiffled rumors that one of the president's media spokesmen, Garba Shehu was not in the good books of the First Lady because of his alleged closeness to the late Abba Kyari. So when Garba told reporters he was unaware of the appointment of Gambari, even after it was reported by major news media, it further validated the allegations that Aisha Buhari was now in charge. 

Sources reason that perhaps he did not know because they did not want him to know.

Gambari, an Ivy league professor, who has held high positions in some of the world's most respected international institutions including the United Nations, UN, has been hailed as a good choice by many Nigerians who believe he will not comdescend to the level of petty political wranglings.

Professor Ibrahim Agboola Gambari may be a decendant of the Caliphate but he is from Illorin, Kwara State, which also has links with the Oduduwa States. 

My source says: "As a matter of fact, the reverred professor speaks Yoruba very well and has deep links with the Yorubas as the cultural fabric of both tribes in Kwara State are intricately interwined. 

Sources say Gambari may not have been seen but he has always been a staunch supporter of Buhari.

Being an old student of the prestigious Kings College, Lagos, Gambari is media shy but highly cosmopolitan. 

Though some critics are quick to tag him as a deep believer of the northern hegemony and a silent intellectual in the fulani domination project because of his affiliation with some Nigerian leaders such as the late Sanni Abacha and even Muhammadu Buhari, others believe that if Aisha truly had anything to do with his emergence as COS, Tinubu and his ambition will fare better, much better than he would have, had Babagana Kingibe been given the position.

Published by 

Captain Akaaba 




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