Eid El Fitir Prayer Held Peacefully in Okene

Contrary to fears that the Eid-el-fitr celebration may spark violence in Okene town, the ceremony went on smoothly and peacefully without hitches.

The Muslim faithful thronged in large number to the Eid praying ground in the town and observed the prYers in an orderly manner

An online media, Duaglobalnews reports that some of worshipers were spotted exchanging pleasantries and discussing the imperative of peace in Ebiraland and the state at large.

It would be recalld that few days to the celebration of Eid-el-fitr, security chiefs in the state held a crucial meeting with religious leaders, especially those of the two prominent religious sects in Okene.

The meeting centred on the need for their members to allow peace to reign supreme in the area, especially during the just concluded eid-el-fitr.

The police command, however, told the religious leaders concerned to call their members to order, to ensure peaceful celebration of the religious festival or be ready to face appropriate sanction in case of any crisis emanating from the festival in the land

Two Fridays ago, the central mosque, Okene witnessed uneasy calm over which of the two sects should produce the next chief imam of Ebiraland to lead prayer. Eventually, Sheik Salihu Muhammed Abere remain acting Chief Imam of Ebiraland.

His acting appointment was sequel to the death of Sheikh Musa Galadima, the substantive chief imam of Ebiraland about a year ago.

Published by 

ASA Reporters 




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  1. This is the kind of news I wish to read about Okene and indeed Ebira land. May Allah continue to make peace reign in the area and the entire state in general.


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