Sex During Fasting is not a Sin with Your Spouse

Basically, many people think making love in Ramadan is a Sin but to be sincere ,when one make love to one's sponse one have not commited any sin,in this article we will point out what Qur’an 2: 223 said.

One of the most important parts of marriage is bedfight. It is the means of production of children as legitimized by power of marriage. Across nations, tribes and cultures, authorized mating serves as the motto of love.

It is also seen as the natural cream with which to soothe the paining areas of marital conflicts. A marital home without affectionate intercourse is like a wild desert without an oasis.

Therefore, Ramadan should not be seen as an reason to avoid legal matrimonial duty by abstaining from the bedly duty. 

In Islam, bed play in the marital home is so necessary that its constant refusal by either party without any serious reason is classifiable as a sin.

Doing it in Islam is not just for production of children. It is also a reaffirmation of love and accomplishment of nature’s promise. With it, paradise is attainable And, without it, paradise is deniable.

While clarifying on the gains of Sadaqah, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) once told his people that love making is Sadaqah if it is appropriately done. And legitimacy here means doing it with ones spouse.

The prophet’s position on this is confirmed by Allah in Qur’an 2: 223 thus: “Your wives are your fields, enter them as you please…”. Denial of matrimonial intercourse to a spouse without reason is a violation of a fundamental marital right.

Even where both spouses have tested positive to a disease like HIV/Aids,doing it should not be cancelled. And where only one of them tested positive, the couple should reach an understanding on how to go about it medically.

In Ramadan, a couple can be as active in the room as active outside Ramadan provided it is done between dusk and dawn.

It is, however, assumed that no serious Muslim will ever want to indulge in any unwarranted circumstance like intercourse to skip Salatus-Subh (early morning obligatory worship) by not taking Janabah bath at the right time. Allah judges deeds by intention. Whoever claims to be a Muslim must embrace Islam totally.

Ramadan Karim.

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Published by ASA Reporters



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