This Is What Happens To Bilal After Prophet Mohammed (PHUB) Left The World

This Is What Happens To Bilal After Prophet Mohammed (PHUB) Left The World 
When the Prophet (SAW) left this world,Bilal left Madinah & went to Sham because he couldn't live in Madinah without seeing Rasūlullāh.

One night,he saw the Beloved in his dream who said,"Bilal u haven't visited us in so long!"He got up & tirelessly rode until he got to Madinah When he made the adhan on that day after many years, Madinah shook and every man and woman wept in remembrance of the Habib.

When he reached, 'Ashahadu anna Muhammad...' he fell on the floor in tears because he couldn't bear to make the adhan without seeing Rasūlullāh (SAW). When Bilal was on his deathbed, he said, 'What a day of happiness! Tomorrow I will meet Muhammad (SAW) and his Companions.' May Allāh grant us a drop from the ocean of his love of Rasulallah.

Captain Akaaba 


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