Chief Imam of Ebira Land, Gov. Yahaya Bello intruding in the Selection

His Excellency, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, the Executive Governor of Kogi State in a meeting with the leadership of both Islamic Group in Kogi Central. In attendance; Ohinoyi of Ebiraland Alh Ado Ibrahim represented by Chairman of Ebira Supreme Council Alh Engr Sule, Clerk of National Assembly Alh Mohammed Ataba Omolori, Chief Justice of the State Justice Nasiru Ajanah, National President, Ebira Peoples Association, Dr Abdulrahman Adeiza, Hajia Maryam Salihu Ibrahim, Ebira Youth Congress, All Government Officials, all elected Political Office Holders, Traditional Rulers and media group from Kogi Central among other critical stakeholders of Ebiraland.

Kogi State governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello on Sunday said the position of Chief Imam of Ebira land should be contested for.

After the death of the former Chief Imam, late Alhaji Musa Galadama last year after a protracted illness, the position of Chief Imam of Ebira land has created tension among some interested groups.


Since the death of the Chief Imam, the two prominent Islamic sets, Tijaniya and Izala, have been engaging in secret and now open confrontations over who should take over the leadership of the Okene central mosque.

However, in a meeting held with the leadership of both Islamic groups in Kogi Central at the Government House, Lokoja, to find a lasting solution to the crisis, Bello said the position will be contested for to replace new Chief Imam of Ebira land.


He also directed that the present acting Chief Imam, Sheik Salihu Abere, should continue acting till the election is conducted.


In the normal circumstances, selection of Chief Imam sequelly the power vest on the Royal head like in Ebira should be Ohinoyi not governor but in this case governor Yahaya Adoza Bello is intruding. All the governor need to do is to approval selection made to him. 


Islam is a religion of peace only if we try following the steps been given to us by the prophet and u will see that is how we can live a peaceful life..  

 The prophet S.A.W said when u wanna chose a leader among u, it should based on :

1= knowledge of the Qur'an...

2 = knowledge of the Hadith

3= knowledge of the Fiqh ( wisdom of deduction affairs from both Qur'an and Hadith.. 

4= first to migrate.... And if they both have same qualifications on all these mentioned above, then 

5= we goes for seniority but not by nepotism or sentimental…

What the Fight between Tijaniya and Izala on 15th May, 2020

Eight people were  injured in a clash between members of two Islamic sects over Imamate  – Imam of Okene Central Mosque position –  in Kogi State.

Locals told Daily Trust on Sunday that the clash which occurred on Friday was a spill over of the lingering crises between Tijaniyya and Sunni sects over who become the chief imam following the demise of the former imam,  Musa Galadima who died in 2019.

It was learnt that the clash occurred few minutes to the commencement of the juma’at sermon when Ustaz  Bello Hussaini, a sunni referred to Sheik Salihu Abere, who has been superintending over the mosque as the acting chief imam.

The statement was said to have infuriated a member of Tijaniyya group who demanded for an apology from the sunni member for being rude to the chief imam.

The development was said to have resulted in a free-for-all fight with many faithfuls scampering for safety.

A civil servant, Abdulsalam Mohammed Bashir who spoke to journalists on the matter, described it as an unfortunate and sad development.

“I was there when the chief imam entered the mosque to preside over the juma’at prayers.

“To the surprise of many people in the mosque , Bello Hussaini stopped his pre-hutuba sermon and announced that the acting imam is around instead of referring to him as the chief imam. This was the cause of the mayhem that lasted for more than an hour before the intervention of the police,” he explained.

However, the sunni member who was at the center of the altercation, Ustaz Bello Hussaini said he did no wrong by referring to Sheikh Salihu Abere as the acting imam since the substantive imam has not yet emerged.

According to him, following the death of the late chief imam, Sheik Salihu Abere who was the deputy was directed by Governor Yahaya Bello to step in on acting capacity.

“Momoh Jimoh challenged me for referring to Salihu Abere as acting chief imam and altercation and crisis followed. Four of our members were seriously injured while their shops was vandalised,” he said.

He said he referred to Abere as acting chief imam because, since he was directed to takeover on acting capacity, there has not been a pronouncement making him the substantive chief imam.

May Allah help Ebira people in choosing the right person Amin 

Published by 

Captain Akaaba


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