These Are Some of The Questions to Answer At The Grave Before The Judgement Day

Ask : Man Rabbuka ? Who is your Lord ?
Answer : Allahu Rabbi . Allah is my Lord .
Ask : Man Nabiyyuka ? Who is your prophet ?
Answer : Muhammadun Nabiyyi . My Prophet is
Muhammad (S.A.W)
Ask : Ma Dinuka ? What is your religion ?
Answer : Al-Islamu Dini . My religion is Islam
Ask : Man Imamuka ? Who is your Imam ?
Answer : Al Qur'an Imami. My Imam is Al -Qur'an
Ask : Aina Qiblatuka ? Where is your Qibla?
Answer : Al-Ka'batu Qiblati . My Qibla is Ka'aba
Ask : Man Ikhwanuka ? Who are your brothers and
sisters ?
Answer : Al-Muslimun Wal Muslimat Ikhwani .
Muslimin and Muslimat are my brothers and
The answer is very simple right?
But, are we able to answer it easily?
When our body lying on the belly of the earth.
When darkness , slamming the fear.
When the body , shivering.
Where nobody can help .
Yes , There is no one who can help us.
Jst the good deeds while in life will help.
Astaghfirullahal ' Adzim ..
Forgive us Oh ALLAH ..
We are only a servant , always do sins and evil
Ya ALLAH ...
Allow us, forever seek for Your Maghfirah and
Mercy ..
Show us the way towards the bright light of Thy ..
Guide us to the straight path .
So that we do not lost ...
Aamiin Yaa Rabbal ' Aalamiin.
Ya Allah Please help us and all those who say ,"
Ameen"... from the torment of the Fire & give us.
Your Jannatul Firdaus.(Ameen)

Published by 
ASA Reporters 


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