Rate Yourself Which of this Husband Do You Belong
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It is good you know the type of man you want to get married to, that is when you’re still single and if you’re now married you will need to read this to know how to handle your type of husband.
1. Mummy’s boy husband: This type of husband is controlled by his mother, in fact his mother decidedly everything that happens between him and his wife
2. Career Husband: This type prefer to spend time with his career than family. He is passionate for his work than anything in this life. The bad thing about it is that the wife will definitely find someone to communicate with outsiders since the man is always busy. Pray she has the right people to discuss with outside else she will get wrong counsel
3. Unromatic, Local & authoritative husband: This one, Tah! He is not romantic at all, his thinking is backward and doesn’t want to improve in knowledge in fact if you tell him to read or go for knowledge he will tell you it’s people’s ideas and will never see reasons to grow beyond what he knows. He believes in oppressing his wife using the term I AM THE MAN OF THE HOUSE and he wants his say to be the final one, again the wife dares not correct him when he is wrong and she dares not contribute to any discussion in the family.
4. Cheating Husband: This type is polygamous in nature. He hangs around from joint to joints and changes girls like cloth. He provides food for the family and keep side chicks and there is no amount of see the wife wi give him that will satisfy him. He must chase girls outside. See, only prayers can change such husband else if you use force he might end it with a fight.
5. Baby Husband: This one can’t make decision on his own, even a baby in the street can convince him to change his mind on decisions he made with his wife. He consult friends and everybody before making his decision and whether the counsel given is good or bad he doesn’t care. Baby Husband won’t hustle for the family he will always wait for the wife to fend for family needs and frequently direct the children to their mum whenever they need money.
6. Gbedu Husband: This one doesn’t stay at home, he hangs out with friends at different joints and clubs in town. He just wants to be hanging out chilling with friends not minding whether his children and wife wants him at home, in fact he comes home late and has lost fear for anything that might happen while returning at night.
7. Good & God fearing Husband: He is understandable and God fearing. He plans things with his wife and never allow anyone to talk down his wife not even his siblings. He knows how to manage career and family all together to ensure there is balance. He doesn’t cheat and his wife is his best friend. He satisfies his woman sexually, financially and materially. He Honour’s and respects his wife and try to be a good example to his children and wife.
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8. Religious (Spirikoko) Husband: You see this one, Tah! Even if he is not satisfying his wife sexually when the wife dares says it he will call his wife carnal. He can deny his wife sex for as long as possible in the name of spirituality. He is not adventurous in bed he is ready to stick to one sex style for life while the wife likely starves sexually. Most of them hardly submit to mentorship as they claim to have known everything by themselves.
During courtship or while dating, be sure that you open your eyes clearly and watch for signs, study him and know the kind of person your fiance is before making your final decision.
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