True Friend Always Stand By His Friends Irrespective Of What Happened, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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Always A True Friend 

Written By 
Lamido Aminu 

Governor Nasir Ahmed El-Rufai was once invited to a public hearing at the National Assembly by the Senate Committee on FCT. They accused him of allocating plots of lands to his friends.
El-Rufai responded by saying "When you get to such position, you are free to allocate plots to your enemies". Needless to point out that many other people who had no relationship with him whatsoever got plot allocations from him.

The same thing played out with the Emirship tustle in Zazzau. Many wanted the throne, all of them deserving it, including Ambassador Ahmadu Nuhu Bamali, a friend  of Governor El-Rufai and  who eventually got it.. 

In other words, typical of him and true to his words, Governor El-Rufai stood by his friend Ambassador Ahmadu Nuhu Bamalli. Another case in point is how he stood by another friend, the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Muhammadu Sunusi II during his travails and when he was in absolute need of support. 

Truth is, as we grow in age, our cycle of friends shrink one way or the other, friends fall apart easily. Some make money and show their true color. Some get government appointment and change their cycle of friends for whatever reason and sadly, some see their friends as competitors etc etc.The bitter truth is that, genuine and true friends like Governor El-Rufa'i are hard to come by.
If truly, as it is being said, Governor El-Rufai appointed Ambassador Ahmadu Nuhu Bamali because he is his friend, then that is POSITIVE! Many friends would have done the opposite due to envy or they want to be the only ones at the top.  
Governor El-Rufa'i has a legacy of encircling himself with his friends whenever he is in a position of power. He helps friends get juicy federal appointments, he helps them get huge contracts, he assists them with money to pay school fees, to buy cars, to own houses. Allah SWT is the ultimate provider!

May Allah  SWT bless us with true and genuine friends like Governor El-Rufa'i that will always stick with us. Ameen summa ameen Ya Rabbi.

Published by 
ASA Reporters 


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