Supreme Court Upholds Election Of Yahaya Bello As Kogi Governor

Supreme Court Upholds Election Of Yahaya Bello As Kogi Governor
Updated August 31, 2020
The Supreme Court has upheld the election of Yahaya Bello as the Governor of Kogi State.

In its Judgement delivered on Monday, the Apex Court disagreed with the appeal filed on five grounds by the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in the Kogi Governorship Election, Musa Wada.

Mr Wada claimed that the election held on November 16, 2019, was riddled with serious electoral infractions, rigging and over-voting;  and that Governor Bello didn’t secure the highest vote.
Aside from the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Tanko Muhammad, other members of the panel include Justices Olabode Rhodes-Vivour, Sylvester Ngwuta, Kudirat Kekere-Ekun, Inyang Okoro, Amina Augie, Uwani Abba-Aji.

More to follow…
In a latest developments Supreme Court also quash the appeal of the Social Democratic Party and its candidate, Natasha Akpoti, challenging the victory of Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi in the November 16, 2019 election.

A seven-man panel of judges in a unanimous decision read by Justice Uwani Abba-Aji on Monday dismissed the appeal for lacking in merit and affirmed the election of Governor Bello

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  1. GYB,Anebira,Kogi state congratulations together.gyb pls have more project in central,bring some factory/tiles,mables,we have rock or moutain,pending federal govt complete ajaokuta,with factory employment will come out,if kogi dont have money take loan and secure the loan for the factory.once again congratulations,ahead ahead.gyb

  2.'s over for the narrow minded people who think that kogi state is their birthright for leadership...the rest of us could go to hell! Leadership is from Allah,He commands justice with it.


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