Bankrolling: Governors distance themself from controversial ex Minister of aviation Femi Fani Kayode stupidity of outburst on journalist

Nigerian governors, especially those for whom he said he was inspecting their projects have distanced themselves from the public ordeal of former minister of aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode following a calamitous press conference in Calabar Cross River State that has drawn massive backlash from citizens and civil society groups across the nation.

The former special adviser to former President Olusegun Obasanjo had claimed that he visited six states across Nigeria over the last six weeks.

However in a curious turn of events, none of the governors have spoken in defence of what Daily Trust newspaper described as “not only reprehensible, but also constitute a setback of press freedom, in a most dire form” after Fani-Kayode verbally harrassed the newspaper’s journalist and Calabar Correspondent, Eyo Charles.

The governor of Cross River, Ben Ayade, in whose state the denigration of the journalist took place is yet to react. A source close to the governor, says he wants to distance himself from the Fani-Kayode’s fiasco.

“The governor has been asked to stay away from the backlash directed at Fani-Kayode by the public. It is an unprofessional way to respond to anyone and the governor does not want to be mentioned at all,” the source said in a text message.

Fani-Kayode had bragged that he had visited Zamfara, Anambra, Enugu among other states to inspect the projects and achievements of the governors but he did not explain in what capacity he was undertaking this oversight function.

To get clarity, the Daily Trust journalist asked who was bankrolling his trips, in what is deemed a legitimate journalistic inquiry.

Instead the controversial former minister went all ballistic on the veteran journalist, insulting him especially describing him as “stupid”.

The insult dished to Eyo Charles by Fani-Kayode was however met by stiff rebuke from Nigerians who took to social media to call out Fani-Kayode. The Nigerian Union of Journalists, International Press Centre and Daily Trust are among those who have issued strong statements to rebuke Fani-Kayode.

At the press conference in Calabar, Fani-Kayode said, “What type of stupid question is that, what type of stupid question is that? Bankrolling who? Do you know who you are talking to? Bankrolling who? I will not take any questions from this man.

What type of an insulting question is that? Which bankroll, to do what? Who can give me money for anything? Who do you think you are talking to? Bankroll what? Go and report yourself to your publisher. Bankroll what?

“Please don’t insult me here. I don’t want to take any questions from this man. I could see from your face before you got here how stupid you are. Don’t ever talk to me like that. Who do you think you are talking to? Bankroll who? You have a small mind, very small mind.

But that is not the only instance in which Fani-Kayode has described Nigerian journalists as stupid. In May, during a Zoom meeting organized by Ben TV, he calling Nigeria-UK journalist, Femi Okutubo ”stupid”.

A few weeks after that in July, he described another unnamed Nigerian journalist as stupid for asking him how he funds his trip. It seems the modus oparandi for FFK to blow his self proclaimed short fuse.

Reacting to Fani-Kayode on Twitter, Chelsea Tracy said the governors have all abandoned him because they do not want to be associated with a failed fellow like him. “The governors who Femi Fani-Kayode visited have abandoned him. How they chose to receive him in the first case beats me. FFK is worse than a dictator.”

For Sunday Abanishe, the journalist should have replied him in a measured manner. “I’m disappointed that the journalist allowed Fani-Kayode to go away with that insults. He shouldn’t have apologized to that arrogant man called FFK. He should have given him back word for word.”

Sahara Reporters recounted the story of how the reporter disclosed suffering further threats from Fani-Kayode’s security detail, which informed Daily Trust to state categorically in their release that they would hold the erstwhile minister liable for any thing that may happen to their reporter.

Presidential Candidate Sowore the #RevolutionNow convener also quipped in with “As a reporter, if you ever meet a knotty and naughty someone like Femi Fani-Kayode, you can use this encounter I had with former Nigerian foreign minister, (now late) Ojo Madueke as a template, you will be glad you did!

While David Hunduyen adviced the populace saying, “Hustle sha, so that one day a recovered cocaine addict who spent 59 years living off his father’s name will not insult you for doing your job and ask you “who is your father?’ any small thing ”my father was Remi Fani-Kayode” 59 year old Bashir El-Rufai. FIX THIS PLACE

On his own part, Jaafar Jaafar came with the age long quote from former president Olusegun Obasanjo “Give Fani food and he will praise you and worship you”.

Certified Ayo Sogunro said he initially wanted to cite Fani-Kayode as a disgrace to his generation but on second thought, realized he was a disgrace to all generations.

The list of vitrol and reprimands go on and on and hence it is easy to see why all his political friends right now don’t want to touch him with a 10 foot pole.

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