An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori is an urban/realistic novel that tells a story of Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys have been married for three years. Dahlia, propelled by her rapid success, leaves Dustin, unaware that her achievements are indebted to him., pub-9820276073479546, 

Chapter 10

"Ms. Nicholson, nice to meet you. How can I help you?" Dustin's eyes widened when he saw Dahlia walking toward him, but his gaze turned cold in a moment.
"What a coincidence seeing you here."

Dahlia choked back the speech she had prepared to explain herself and greeted Dustin stiffly. She did not believe it when her mother told her of Dustin's new love interest. Who would have thought that it was true? Although they were divorced, Dahlia felt a little uncomfortable seeing her ex- husband being with another woman. There was an awkward and uneasy feeling in her heart.

"Mr. Rhys, is she a friend of yours?"

Natasha sized Dahlia up. According to her female intuition, she could detect a hint of hostility from this woman standing before them.

"She's my ex-wife," Dustin replied.
"Really?" Natasha raised her eyebrows and gave Dahlia a charming smile. "Hi, I'm Natasha Harmon. Nice to meet you."

She stretched out her hand to shake Dahlia's. Although her actions seemed friendly enough, the atmosphere around her was slightly intimidating.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Harmon," Dahlia answered politely.

Although she was usually very self- assured, she had to admit that the woman before her was stunning. Natasha was on par with her in looks, height, and conduct.

Furthermore, Natasha's figure was much more voluptuous than hers. Any man would be enamored by her!

"Dustin, when did you befriend Ms. Harmon? You've never introduced me!" Dahlia couldn't help but ask.

"Were you ever interested in my friends?" Dustin replied sarcastically.

His sharp words rendered Dahlia speechless. She had never expected Dustin to be so direct. The atmosphere around the three of them grew tense.

"Dustin, can I have a word with you?" Dahlia tried after a few seconds of silence.

"About what?" Dustin retorted with a poker face.

"It's about something private, let's go elsewhere." Dahlia turned to find a quiet corner but she realized Dustin didn't move an inch. Her brows furrowed with frustration.

"Let's talk about it here and now. I don't want another misunderstanding," Dustin insisted.

"Must you be so difficult?" Dahlia frowned.

She was trying to make peace with him, but Dustin seemed to not be having any of it. He was being mean and talking down to her in a disagreeable manner.

"Ms. Nicholson, we are already divorced. Since your status is of such a high rank, it is better for us to not be seen together. I would only embarrass you." Dustin scoffed.

"I don't understand. Why are you being such a jerk?" Dahlia was getting annoyed.

"Are you seriously asking me?" Dustin stared back at her. " Wasn't this your choice?"

"..." Dahlia couldn't say a word in retaliation. Yes, she did initiate the divorce. However, there was no need to keep bringing up the past.

Despite her struggle to calm herself down, Dahlia could feel resentment rising within her. Seeing Dustin with another woman triggered her frustration and anger. These feelings became more and more intense as their fight escalated.

"Dustin. I know you despise me.
Nevertheless, I don't think I've made a mistake. Besides, I've given you many chances to redeem yourself!"

Dahlia's tone turned icy. It was not easy for her to reconcile with others, given her prideful nature. Moreover, Dustin threw it in her face.

"So you mean that I'm still in the wrong?" Dustin could only laugh.

"I'm not in the mood to argue with you as we are irrelevant now. Having said that, you shouldn't be flaunting your new partner in front of me if you have any respect for me as your ex-wife!" Dahlia said gravely.

"Respect?" Dustin laughed harder.

"How about Chris, then? Even before we got divorced, you were already having an affair with him. How could you even demand respect?"

"Regardless of whether you believe me, I'm innocent and my conscience is clear," Dahlia retorted, her head held high..

"Is that so?" Dustin smirked and pointed at Chris, who was walking toward them. "I would like to have a look at that clear conscience of yours!"

Both of them had been fooling around in bed. Now, they were even at the charity dinner together.

What a joke for her to claim that she was innocent! Dahlia frowned slightly, but she did not explain herself. First, there was nothing to explain. Second, Dustin wouldn't believe her anyway.

"Dahlia, we were having a conversation just now. Why did you slip away?" Chris said to her with a smile.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Natasha. Chris was astounded when he saw her alluring beauty. Desire burned in his eyes as his breathing quickened.

What a gorgeous woman! He had never seen such an extraordinary lady in his life. If Dahlia was like water, Natasha was like a burning flame. She could arouse the desires of men with her sultry gaze, without even moving a muscle. Natasha was a natural seductress!

Sneaking a few glances at Natasha, he quickly diverted his gaze. He knew that it was unbecoming of a man to make his intentions known so early, especially in the presence of such dazzling women. Making a first good impression was extremely important.

"Dustin, what a surprise to see you!" Chris turned to Dustin with a frown.

Chris was green with envy when he saw Natasha being so friendly to Dustin. How could this punk be surrounded by hotties all the time? After getting a divorce from Dahlia, here he was with another attractive woman on his arm. Was he blessed with lady luck?

"Why would it be a surprise to see me?" Dustin retorted.

"I've heard from Dahlia that you were just an errand boy at the Quine Group. With your status, you have no right to enter the Mirage. Were you planning to sneak in?" Chris narrowed his eyes.

"Don't you worry about it, it's none of your business," Dustin said calmly.

"I must have guessed correctly." Chris smirked and turned to Natasha. "Don't be deceived by him, gorgeous. Dustin is not some rich scion but a lowly pauper. He has no right to be breathing the same air as you, gorgeous."

In Chris's mind, Dustin must have lied to the beautiful lady. Why would she be together with a useless guy like him otherwise?

"What's wrong with that? It's fine as long as I like him!" Natasha chuckled.

"Gorgeous, with your beauty and looks, you can definitely marry into a wealthy family. Why would you choose to live a difficult life with him?" Chris replied, puzzled.

"Wealth means very little to me. In my eyes, Dustin is an outstanding man." Natasha slipped her arm into Dustin's naturally.

"Outstanding?" Chris laughed mockingly. "He doesn't have wealth, fame, or power. How could he be regarded as outstanding?"

"At the very least, he is more handsome than you." Natasha snapped.

"What's the use of a handsome face? In the end he is just a boy toy!" Chris's expression darkened.

"I have warned you, Dustin is a

conman. You are going to regret it

once he takes advantage of your

wealth and body!"

"Take advantage of me?" Natasha laughed merrily. "I do hope that he will take advantage of me, but it seems that he isn't interested."

Her bold words made Dahlia and Chris frown in disapproval. Even Dustin couldn't take it any longer. This woman was really a shameless flirt.


Hey, did you not hear me? That guy is a liar! It won’t do you any good if you stay with him!” Chris’s face was etched with concern when Natasha was unfazed by his provocation. He couldn’t bear to watch a beautiful woman like her be ruined at Dustin’s hands.

“Damn, you sure are annoying. It’s none of your business who I hang out with!” Natasha snapped, having lost her patience.


Chris was on the verge of a breakdown. Never had he imagined her to be so stubborn. How could she still go back to Dustin knowing that he deceived her? Was that guy so charming?

“Mr. Nolan, this kind of person deserves to be deceived. Not only does she not appreciate your kind reminder but also speaks rudely to you. How ungrateful!” Lyra uttered unkindly from the side.

“Hmph! So showing kindness is a crime now?” Chris felt unjust, but obviously, he was more jealous.

You two must have known each other for a long time, right?” Dahlia asked abruptly. Judging from Natasha’s behavior, she couldn’t help but suspect that they had long had a secret affair. Otherwise, there wasn’t a reasonable explanation for Chris’ determination.

“That’s not important. What matters is that our feelings are mutual.” Natasha smiled. While speaking, she pressed her chest against Dustin’s arm as though swearing sovereignty.

At this sight, Dahlia’s gaze became fiercer. Despite knowing that Natasha was deliberately pushing her buttons, she couldn’t suppress her irritation. It felt like someone had snatched away something of hers.

“Dustin, I’ve seriously misjudged you. We aren’t officially divorced, yet you’ve already found yourself another woman.” Dahlia tried to calm her emotions. In fact, she had been brooding about their divorce

because she felt like she owed Dustin. However, the latter had begun fooling around with women while she was busy thinking of a way to make up to him. At the end of the day, she was the clown.

“If that’s what you think of me, I have nothing to say.” Dustin shrugged as he was lazy to explain anything.

“Fine. I was thinking that I owed you something, but it looks like we’re even now!” Dahlia’s expression turned indifferent. She felt as if she was looking at a complete stranger.

“Great.” Although Dustin’s poker face remained, his heart momentarily twitched for some reason.

“Ms. Nicholson…” Just then, Nastsha spoke up with a smile. “The choice you made was rather unwise, but I still have to thank you.”

“What for?” Dahlia slowly looked up at her.

Thank you for letting me have Dustin. If not, I wouldn’t have discovered such a treasure by myself.” Natasha was flashing a satirical grin, her words meant to humiliate Dahlia.

“Hey! You bitch…” Lyra was about to explode when Dahlia raised her hand and cut her off.

She looked Natasha in the eyes and replied, “Your so-called treasure is just average in my opinion.”

“Average?” Natasha raised her eyebrow. “You’re calling a highly educated martial artist average? Ms. Nicholson, you do have high standards. However, the guy you’re with doesn’t seem to be any better.”

“At least he’s better than Dustin.” Dahlia didn’t back down.

“Oh, really? Why don’t we make a bet then?” Natasha dared playfully.

About what?”

“Let’s bet which of them will have greater achievements within a month. What do you say?”

Hearing this, the three of them were taken aback. They didn’t expect she would suggest something like that.

Chris sneered as he looked at Natasha incredulously. “Say, did you hit your head or something? Are you making me compete with this piece of trash? Is he even worthy?”

“Exactly! Mr. Nolan is the successor of Nolan Pharmaceuticals with assets worth over a billion dollars under his name. What does Dustin have?” Lyra pursed his lips in disdain.

“Are you sure you want to bet on this?” Dahlia felt a little lost. To her, Dustin had nothing other than his good looks. Conversely, Chris was excellent in all aspects, be it his family background or personal capabilities.

The two of them were far from being on par with each other. Dustin could never beat Chris even if he were given five years, much less a month.

“Of course. It’s only about whether you dare to accept the bet.” Natasha raised her chin obnoxiously.

“What are we betting on?”

“Whoever loses the bet will have to apologize to the other and admit that she had no standards.”

“Sure. The bet is on.” Dahlia nodded.

“Good. I hope you don’t regret it!” Natasha chuckled.

Both of them possessed equal beauty but contrasting temperaments. At that moment, a rivalry had silently formed between the two.

“We shall find out when the time comes.” After casting one last glance at Natasha, Dahlia turned around and entered Mirage without another word.

“Pfft, you’re digging your own grave.” Chris and Lyra sneered again before following Dahlia into the building. Not once did they take Dustin seriously.
“Mr. Rhys, what do you think? Did I do well?” Natasha asked coquettishly as she tucked her hair behind her ear. Even though her action looked simple, there were many meanings behind it.

You went slightly over the top,” Dustin said helplessly. “If we lose, you’ll lose your reputation.”

“Lose? Are you kidding me? Don’t tell me you can’t even beat that loser?” Natasha started to agitate Dustin.

“I’m an ordinary man. How am I supposed to compete with a successor of a wealthy family?” Dustin shrugged.

“Ordinary? You’re too modest, Mr. Rhys. Your looks alone are out of this world!” As Natasha blinked at him flirtatiously, she appeared like a street thug harassing a lady.

Feeling speechless, Dustin pretended not to see it. Nevertheless, he had to admit that her performance was impeccable. It saved his pride. After all, very few women could steal Dahlia’s limelight, and Natasha was undoubtedly one of them.


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Understated Dominance. "Don’t miss out this amazing novel, An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori."