"Query" The Sin of His Royal Majesty Alh Ado Ibrahim Attah, The Ohinoyi of Ebira Land.

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The Query: 'Sins' of His Royal Majesty
I thought it was going to be a quiet weekend and a day. My thought was disapproved when I picked up my phone after Subh prayer on Saturday to see some messages. I opened the first which was a picture message and it was a leaked query letter from the Kogi state ministry of local government and chieftaincy affairs to His Royal Majesty Alhaji Ado Ibrahim, the Ohinoyi Of Ebiraland and the Chairman of Kogi state traditional council.

The letter to the Ohinoyi signed by a Director at the ministry said: “In a flagrant disregard to the persons and high offices of the President and Governor, you BLUNTLY REFUSED TO COME OUT (the emphasis is mine) to receive the President at the designated venue rightly approved by the Executive Governor of the State".

The Director continued that protocol demands that when a President visits a state, top government officials, including top monarchs, are expected to come out and receive him, a convention he said the Ohinoyi disregarded and has always flaunted especially when the Governor is returning from certain trips.

I tried to remember the protocol that we have read over time when a president visits a state and was wondering if the protocol in Kogi state is different or if the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland is less a King than other traditional rulers the president has paid courtesy visits when he visited their states. President Buhari has visited a number of states from 2015 to date and I did a Google search to read about how he was received by the monarch in the respective states.

On Friday, June 19, 2015, that was a couple of days after swearing into office, President Buhari, paid a courtesy visit to the palace of the Emir of Daura, HRH Umar Farouk Umar after Juma'ah prayer in Daura. On Monday, May 9, 2016, President Muhammadu Buhari paid homage to the Emir of Katsina, HRH Alhaji Abdulmumini Kabir Usman, at the Emir's Palace while on a working visit to Katsina state. On September 7, 2016, President Muhammadu Buhari who arrived in Edo state for the All Progressives Congress, APC mega rally, paid a courtesy visit to the Palace of the Oba of Benin, HRH Eheneden Erediauwa.
Then, on the 24th of January 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari arrived at the Palace of the Obi of Onitsha on a courtesy call. President Buhari on Wednesday, November 28, 2018, paid the Shehu of Borno, His Royal Highness, Alhaji Abubakar Umar Ibn Garbai El-Kenemi, a courtesy visit at his palace in Maiduguri. On the 23rd of August 2019, President Buhari paid a courtesy visit to the Emir of Zazzau, HRH Dr. Shehu Idris, in his palace in Zaria, Kaduna State.
In Feb 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari paid homage to Oba Akiolu, the Olowo Eko, in his Iga Idugaran palace during his re-election campaign visit to Lagos on Saturday. In January 2022, President Muhammadu Buhari paid a courtesy visit to the Emir of Zazzau, HRH Ahmed Nuhu Bamali, during an official visit to commission some of the projects executed by the state government. On Monday 23rd May 2022, President Muhammadu Buhari, who was in Kano as the Special Guest of Honour at the 58th Anniversary of the Nigerian Air Force, visited the palace of the Emir of Kano, HRH Aminu Ado-Bayero, for a courtesy visit.

The governor has paid visits to Ohinoyi at Azad Palace several times in the past. What was the issue that made a visit to the Azad Palace not a part of the itinerary of the president that the governor (the son) and Ohinoyi (the father ) could not sort out without the knowledge of the public? But the Ohinoyi was directed to receive the President at a "designated venue rightly approved by the State Governor of the State". 

What is bothering me is the contradictions that surround the whole episode. Contrary to the letter, the protocol that we have seen in other states is that when a President visits a city, the Governor will receive him at the entry point. He takes him to the palace of the monarch for a courtesy call. The traditional ruler after receiving the president may then join the entourage for the activities that the President came for if that is necessary.
But there was a disturbing event of the day that is not being talked about. About an hour before the arrival of the president, there was a bomb blast that claimed lives and destroyed a part of the Azad Palace, the Ohinoyi's residence. The Ohinoyi was right inside the palace when the blast happened. That there was a bomb blast close to the palace (private or public) is supposed to be a serious issue that should attract the immediate attention of the governor and ensure the safety of the Ohinoyi. The area will naturally be sealed with limited access for security reasons and that was done. But according to the query, the Ohinoyi was expected to come out despite the explosion to receive the president and he didn't. What provision was made for that?

However, while Ohinoyi was at his residence, another traditional ruler was representing the Ohinoyi with a prepared speech at the event venue. Did Ohinoyi sent the representative? Was that arrangement made by the government that morning at the venue when the Ohinoyi did not show up? Was it that they knew Ohinoyi won't be coming out and a representative was sorted out before that day?

Then, in the speech of the Governor, I learned he said that the Ohinoyi was unavoidably absent due to ill health. Was the Ohinoyi truly sick? I expected the president to request to visit him because he (the president) is more familiar with the presidential protocol than the governor.

The governor in the presence of the President wished the paramount ruler of Ebiraland a quick recovery in his speech and the query letter from the ministry, HRM was said to have refused to come out to receive the president. Which should we take? So, what are you querying? How will the president look at you if he hears the contradiction?

Again, there was a bomb blast that destroyed a part of Azad Palace and the Chief Security Officer of the state did not find it necessary to visit the place for over a week to see the destruction and check if HRM is traumatized. Something is not right. Was the president even briefed about the blast and the location?

There seem to be issues between the Ohinoyi and the Governor and the "sins" of HRM seem to be beyond the narrative in public space. And it will most likely take the two of them to sort it. I am personally disappointed as the entire situation ridicules us as a people. Ohinoyi, the 93 years old monarch and the chairman of the state traditional council is an Ebira, the governor is an Ebira, and the Commissioner for LG and chieftaincy affairs is an Ebira. The only non-Ebira person is the Director that signed the letter and yet they can't have these issues discussed over a cup of tea or a piece of kola nut but a query leaked to the media and is now a subject of public discussion.
We are presenting ourselves as a people that can't work together. The Ohinoyi is our 93 years old father that has been on the throne for about 25 years. The governor has a year to go and with his experience over the last 7 years, I think he should have handled the situation better but it is not too late yet.
The query has been given and the reactions show that all is not well. He can put a stop to any further action and allow the Voice of Reason to reign. Take a break and reflect. Remember that we are here today and we won't be tomorrow. Remember what happens when people start behaving like we are behaving. Remember the law of nature – as we sow so shall we reap. Let’s remember our part in creating this situation.

May we have the peaceful resolution that we desire.



  1. You have make my day for this your write up. May God bless you abundantly as you do justice to the issue. I wonder why our ohinoyi is being considered less that the president cannot pay him homomage.

  2. I don't know what governor is dragging with this old monarch.


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