When Culture Meet with Style, HRM Muhammed Sanusi 11 Mode of Dressing has Connection with Nature

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His regalia was always unique right from the one when he was Dan Majen Kano.

Fresh from his coronation as the Dan Majen Kano, the CBN governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, ditched his English suits when he resumed office and appeared in his traditional chieftaincy regalia.

Apparently seeking to impress his colleagues in the office, or just eager to show off his new title, Mr Sanusi got his colleagues to gape at him as he spent the day at work dressed as a traditional chief.

I will like to share with you these beautiful pictures of Sanusi Lamido, His dreasings have a similar resemblance to these beautiful birds.

Here are some amazing pictures of Sanusi Lamido as the emir of Kano.
Sanusi was the 14th emir of Kano. He is a great philanthropist and well educated man, he is known to be a very influential figure not only in the Northern part of Nigeria but the country Nigeria and the world at large. As the Emir of Kano, his determination to the progress of Nigeria and has brought so many achievements to the people. He is one of the best emirs in the entire region of Africa.
These are some of the pictures that got people talking about his dresses and their uniqueness. Each picture is put together with a bird of special and beautiful colours that matches with the clothes he wears. So, was this coincidental or it was delibrately done to flaunt and show a style in fashion.
Emir of Kano, His Royal Majesty Muhammadu Sanusi 2. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi former governor of central Bank of Nigeria. 

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  1. He is my man anytime, anywhere. A great king we lost in d north


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