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At Last President Buhari Push out the Service Chief and Replace them, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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Names and Pictures of New Service Chiefs

President Muhammadu Buhari has finally appointed new Service Chiefs years after Nigerians have continued to clamour for the sack of the old ones.

The call for a total overhauling of the security apparatus got to the peak after the October 20, 2020 killing of peaceful protesters across the country, especially at Lekki Tollgate in Lagos State.

The Nigerian army was fingered to be behind the shooting and killing scores of the #EndSARS protesters.

Finally, on Tuesday, President Buhari made a tweet announcing that he has accepted the resignation and onward retirement of the Service Chiefs.

He also announced the appointment of their immediate replacement. The following are the names and pictures of the newly appointed Service Chiefs.

The former Chief of Defence Staff, Gabriel Olonishakin has now been replaced with, Major-General Leo Irabor.

(Chief Of Defence Staff), Major-General Leo Irabor
(Chief of Defence Staff), Major-General Leo Irabor

On the other hand major General Tukur Buratai who has not resigned has now been replaced with Major-General I. Attahiru.

 Major-General I. Attahiru (Chief Of Army Staff)
Major-General I. Attahiru (Chief of Army Staff)

The position of Vice Admiral, Ibok Ibas as the former Chief of Naval Staff is now been occupied by Rear Admiral A.Z Gambo (Chief of Naval Staff Air-Vice),

Rear Admiral A.z Gambo (Chief Of Naval Staff Air-Vice)
Rear Admiral A.Z Gambo (Chief of Naval Staff Air-Vice)
Marshal I.o Amao (Chief Of Air Staff)
Marshal I.O Amao (Chief of Air Staff)

Air Marshall Sadique Abubakar who was formerly the Chief of Air Staff ha been replaced with Marshal I.O Amao (Chief of Air Staff).

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