

Written By  Khadijat Ozi sani MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF EBIRALAND AND SEN OSENI YUKUBU My people, this message is not sponsored by anybody oooooo! I just choose to speakout because we the entire good people of Ebiraland it is time we let those politicians to know that we too get sense. They have used our heads for long. Used our constituency project funds for campaign, for their family's well-being, used our constituency project funds to buy okada for thugs... It is time we let them know that WE KNOW WETIN DEY HAPPENED. I know they will look for me, i know they will sponsor some people to insult me but remember IF E BETTER NA FOR ALL OF US. Senator sir, before your time we had several Senators who has represented kogi central at the red chamber, days count on them they achieved NOTHING, they are not remembered for anything good except Sponsoring of thugs and sharing of okada to party boys and Sharing Money to party supporters, they have no sustainable projects to show fo

``Re: An Open Letter To The Federal Minister Of Education```

 *Ahmed Joda, an elder statesman and former Permanent Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Education, writes from Yola, Adamawa State* 8th SEPTEMBER, 2020    AHMED JODA I read on one of the social media platforms an open letter to Malam Adamu Adamu, the Honorable Minister of Education by our Ambassador in Mexico, to which I think I should make a contribution that may interest the minister in addressing the issues at stake. In February 1971, almost 50 years ago, I became the Permanent Secretary Federal Ministry of Education. When I entered the office, I found two files on the table. One was the handing over note by the departed Permanent Secretary, the other was a very thick file that contained four sets of documents: the first was a report from the Federal Scholarship Board describing the processes that led to the selection and recommendation of awards of the Federal Scholarships and Bursaries for the 1971/72 Academic Year. The second was the full list of the names of the

Presidential Task Force Say Government Approves Reopening Of NYSC Orientation Camps

Orientation camp across the country were shut down in March as part of measures to curb the spread of the Coronavirus disease urged the National Youth Service Corps to start making preparations to reopen its orientation camps nationwide. Sani Aliyu, National Coordinator of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 disclosed this during a press briefing at the Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, Abuja, on Thursday. He, however, urged the scheme to ensure that it consolidate on the safety measures currently put in place to curb the spread of COVID-19 when camps reopen. He said, “For the National Youth Service Corps, the NYSC is to consolidate on safety measures currently being put in place and start preparing for the reopening of orientation camps when educational institutions open. “We are in the process of developing strict guidelines to ensure there is no outbreak of Covid-19 when this process starts.” Orientation camps across the country were shut d

Supreme Court Upholds Election Of Yahaya Bello As Kogi Governor

Supreme Court Upholds Election Of Yahaya Bello As Kogi Governor Updated August 31, 2020 The Supreme Court has upheld the election of Yahaya Bello as the Governor of Kogi State. In its Judgement delivered on Monday, the Apex Court disagreed with the appeal filed on five grounds by the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in the Kogi Governorship Election, Musa Wada. Mr Wada claimed that the election held on November 16, 2019, was riddled with serious electoral infractions, rigging and over-voting;  and that Governor Bello didn’t secure the highest vote. Aside from the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Tanko Muhammad, other members of the panel include Justices Olabode Rhodes-Vivour, Sylvester Ngwuta, Kudirat Kekere-Ekun, Inyang Okoro, Amina Augie, Uwani Abba-Aji. More to follow… In a latest developments Supreme Court also quash the appeal of the Social Democratic Party and its candidate, Natasha Akpoti, challenging the victory of Governor Yahaya

You Must Marry As So As Possible Or Else It Will Be Too Late

DEAR BROTHERS AT THE AGE OF 25 TO 30 Don't make mistakes some of our Fathers or Senior Brothers made. Marry now with the little you have. Don't wait to be a millionaire, Have kids early so you can grow with them.  Grow with your kids and succeed with your wife. You will never finish making money or achieving your plans.  You might still not succeed at your target year. So start your life early, with consistency you will grow. My father said this to me: _When i was 25, i was talking about making billions before i marry. Many years later, billions didn't come, yet no kid no wife... I had an opportunity to marry the most beautiful love of my life very early, But my fear was, can i really take care of her? But right now She's married with Four grown up children.  The guy that married her was still schooling then, but had the courage. They worked hard and succeeded together. I failed, so please if you can feed yourself, you can feed your wife. You have to believe

Did Col. Dasuki Play Any Roles In The Arrest Of Buhari In 1985 Coup That Removed Him as Head Of State?

Arguably the most peaceful coup to happened in Nigeria, on August, 27, 1985, a group of Majors stormed the famous Dodon barrack, the former official residence of Nigeria's Head of State, located in Victoria Island, Lagos, and arrested Major General Muhammadu Buhari, who was then the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Federal Republic of Nigeria. The coup was nickname as the 'palace coup,' and remain among the bloodless coup to happened in the country. The coup happened less than two years after Major General Muhammadu Buhari assumed power, the same group of soldiers that toppled the government of President Shehu Shagari are the ones that also toppled Major General Muhammadu Buhari's regime. Among the IBB boys that stormed Dodon Barrack for the coup, 3 Majors were said to carry out the arrest, by going directly into the President's chalet and arrested Buhari. 1.Colonel AbdulMumini Aminu: The retired military officer openly said that he is the on

Reasons why Parents Should Stop Skipping Classes For Their Children

LEADERS AND HEIRS ACADEMY SCHOOL FOR FUTURE LEADERS Children in the UK finish secondary at 16/17. Children in the US and Canada finish secondary school at 17/18... a few of them 19. The British children would still go ahead and graduate by 21/22. The Americans and Canadians will still go ahead and graduate at 22/23/24. Or a few years more for courses of more than 5 years. In Nigeria, skipping classes is now the order of the day. Every parent claims their children are the genius and smartest and too intelligent to do all classes. For the life of me; I don't understand what a child who is less than 16 is doing in a University or any tertiary institution for that matter. Where the hell are you rushing these children to? And no! Those who skip classes are most often NOT among the most intelligent. In my primary school, I can remember that the best five students in our class did NOT skip any class. I know the top students in my primary school and we know that mos