Ebira People An Embodiment Of Forthrightness and Justice (BUT IGNORANTLY STEREOTYPED)

google.comgoogle.com, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MATTERS ARISING!! EbiraTribes of Nigeria: An Embodiment Of Forthrightness and Justice BUT IGNORANTLY STEREOTYPED!!. Okene City I see the pertinent needs to write this rejoinder to a video made on the Ebira people tittled: " a tincture of sense" by someone with an obsecured ideas On circulation in the social media. The rejoinder is not meant to defend the Ebiras of any fault but for proper education about the noble tribe known and cal huled Ebira who are dialectically Found in different parts of Nigeria but all from the OHIKU descendants among other tribes that constitutes Nigeria. The meaning of Ebira is "Good character" Hence the Ebira people are people of good character and conscience not withstanding the seemingly stereotyping by some people out of ignorance which is also the case about other people or tribes. The OHIKU Ebira tribe includes Ebira opete, Ebira mosum,Ebira koto- igu, ...