JUST IN: Many Fear Injured, Abducted and Persons are Dead, as Gunmen Attacked Abuja-Kaduna Train

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KDSG Security Update: Monday 28th March 2022. 

Troops secure Abuja-Kaduna train trapped by terrorists 

Security agencies have reported to the Kaduna State Government that the military has secured the Kaduna bound train from Abuja trapped by terrorists. 

The Kaduna State Government received multiple reports of an attack on the Abuja-Kaduna train service at around Kateri-Rijana general areas. 

Relevant action agencies were urgently contacted, and robust deployments of personnel were swiftly made to the area to secure the passengers on board. 
Efforts are ongoing to convey the passengers from the location and others that sustained injuries have been rushed to hospitals for urgent medical attention. 

The Government of Kaduna State will be liaising with the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) to ascertain the list from the passengers' manifest for efficient tracking. 

This is to acquire an accurate inventory of all passengers and their actual status. 

Governor Nasir El-Rufa'i who has been in constant touch with the security forces, commended them for their prompt response, and thanked them for successfully securing the train and passengers on board. 

Security forces continue to comb the general area in additional rescue efforts. 
Emerging developments will be communicated to the public. 


Samuel Aruwan 
Commissioner, Ministry of Internal Security and Home Affairs, Kaduna State.
Meanwhile, Governor Nasir El-Rufai along with other Kaduna State Government officials visited the 44 Army Reference Hospital and St. Gerald Hospital, Kakuri to look after the victims of the Abuja-Kaduna plane crash.
 In an effort to identify the other occupants, the Kaduna State Emergency Management Agency will soon provide a hotline so that relatives of the victims can call for information.

However, A doctor identified as Megafu Chinelo, has been confirmed dead, hours after she made a post on Twitter, announcing that she had been shot on the Kaduna-bound train and A director at the National Board for Technical Education, NBTE, Abdu Isa Kofarmata, has been killed in the Monday night terrorist attack on the Abuja-Kaduna so far reported 

More news on https://asamarchant1.blogspot.com


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