
The Changing Trends of Kidnapping in Ebiraland

Written by  ALIYU AHMED ODEYANI ENEBIRA  KABALA WEST/UNGWAR MUAZU KADUNA  ODEYANI ANEBIRA KABALA AND U/MUAZU KADUNA ADAYI ALIYU AHMED  THE CHANGING TRENDS OF KIDNAPPING IN EBIRALAND   Kidnapping had been in practice before now except that it is now direct money making venture. I can remember in those days when kidnapping was associated with minors (under age) hence the ebira version of the Yoruba word for kidnapping ibomobomo i.e. kinap of children. The perpetrators then were non-natives as they penetrate the community targeting children ignored by parents or children whose parents have non-challant attitude towards child care. It was then assumed that children kidnapped were used for money making rituals with active the connivance of spiritualists. The actual benefactors then were the money bags whose trade in stock was making money at all cost. The active kidnappers were just errand men and women who take stipend for their service. This crude method is now refined to it&#

Meet The Only 34 Lieutenant Generals And 11 Generals In The History of Nigerian Army

In the over 150 years of the Nigerian Army, only few people have so far been privileged to rise to the exclusive rank of Lieutenant General and General. General Yakubu Gowon is the first four start general in Nigerian army and after him, the Nigerian army has produced a total of ten other four-star generals throughout its history.  However, the first-ever pair of Nigerian Army officers to be directly promoted to and serve on the rank of lieutenant general were the duo of Olusegun Obasanjo and Theophilus Danjuma. This happened in January 1976 and after that twenty seven officers have attained the rank. Five of these lieutenant generals have thereafter been promoted to the rank of four-star general. Of the total of twenty-nine officers who have attained the rank of lieutenant general since 1976, five officers (Bali, Abacha, Ogomudia, Agwai and Azazi) have risen to the rank of four-star general , without skipping any rank. It is noteworthy that only Sani Abacha ever rose to become militar

BREAKING NEWS: Mugu Arrested

BREAKING: DSS Arrests EFCC Acting Chairman, Ibrahim Magu | Sahara Reporters  He was arrested at the Wuse II office of the DSS on Monday afternoon and is now undergoing interrogation at the DSS Headquarters In Aso Drive. In December 2010, the Police Service Commission (PSC) found Magu guilty of action prejudicial to state security – withholding of EFCC files, sabotage, unauthorised reIn December 2010, the Police Service Commission (PSC) found Magu guilty of action prejudicial to state security – withholding of EFCC files, sabotage, unauthorised removal of EFCC files and acts unbecoming of a police officer. More details later  +2348098476644

BREAKING NEWS: Lagbaja Decleared Wanted By Federal Government of Nigeria For Hiding Vital Information

BREAKING NEWS: FG DECLARES LAGBAJA WANTED The Federal Government of Nigeria has declared the Nigerian popular musician known widely as Lagbaja wanted. The National Security Adviser Major General Mongono Rtd sent a report to the President this morning in which Lagbaja was accused of hiding very vital life saving information from both the Government and the public.  It was revealed that Lagbaja for many years has been keeping information about safety measures against Covid-19 to himself thereby becoming the only one wearing the appropriate mask against covid-19 for many years.  The Federal Government has therefore given an order that he should explain why he has been wearing a mask before the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic! Mean while the whole in general concord to the declaration of Lagbaja since he has this vital information for many years and he has never disclosed it to anyone. Therefore he is ban from traveling to any country in the world. Who ever sees Lagbaja shou

Check out the New Electric Car About To Flood The Nigeria Market By Engr. Prince Malik Ado Ibrahim

Meet prince malik ado ibrahim,the nigerian born engineer ready to flood Nigeria market with electric car. Prince Malik Ado Ibrahim is the son of the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland in Kogi Central, Kogi State, HRH Dr Ado Ibrahim. Prince Malik Ado-Ibrahim was born in Nigeria, educated in the UK and US and has a strong background in automobile. Prince Malik Ado-Ibrahim is the CEO and Chairman of Nigus Enfinity, a company in collaboration with BYD of China . He is famous for his role in the F1 design. The Nigerian born prince who has been involved in the automotive sector since early 1990s had worked with Proton and Lotus and helped them developed the position of Lotus by the Malaysian government on 1999. He was the first black man to work in Formula 1 and also worked for Hyundai for 6 years. Since he left Formula 1, no black man has been able to replace him in Formula 1. His father, Ohinoyi of Ebirland is the first man from Nigeria to drill from Nigeria soil, and became the

Know Your What You Will Be Respected: Festus Keyamo And The Greedy Members of National Assembly, What Transpired.

How it all happened.... KEYAMO VERSUS NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. National Assembly: How come that a Federal Government programme expected to gulp N52billion is being shrouded in secrecy? Hon. Minister Keyamo: It is not shrouded in secrecy. Representatives of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), youth groups and market women are all on the selection Committee. National Assembly: We won't accept this from you. You should have privately submitted the program to us for vetting before taking certain steps. That would have enabled us have an input on how the programme should be implemented. Hon. Minister Keyamo: No! Your powers under the constitution do not extend to that. You cannot control the program as to who gets what. That's the function of the executive arm of govt. Anything to the contrary will be tantamount to challenging the executive powers of Mr. President. National Assembly: You're always speaking big grammar. Wetin! Okay, come let's go behind clo


Usman Sani Omolori Recent judgement by High Court in Lokoja granted ownership of Lokoja, Koton-karfi and Ajaokuta to Igala kingdom and even awarded Igala Kingdom N10.0bn in compensation over use of land without payment of royalties.   What the judge failed to consider, in my humble opinion, are;  1. His judgement was based solely on business between two traders, one of which transited from slave trade to occupation of land.  2. By 1841, what existed were European traders who were not in position to determine who truly owned parcels of land. Colonial lords,  in other word,  colonialism  started in the land mass called Nigeria only in 1900 lasting up to 1960. Whatever happened before then cannot be legally binding 180 years later.  3.  Assuming argument 2 above even worked in favour of the Igala Kingdom,  in history, we know wars were fought. Empires/Kingdoms rose and fell. If today the Igala found they no longer control these areas,  the judge should ask why.  It might have been by war