
The Major GG Okar Coup How it all Happened on 22nd April, 1990

The Orkar Coup of April 22, 1990, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> By Dr. Nowa Omoigui [SOUTH CAROLINA, U.S.A.] Shortly after dawn broke on April 22, 1990, the following broadcast was heard over the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) in Lagos: "Fellow Nigerian Citizens, On behalf of the patriotic and well-meaning peoples of the Middle Belt and the southern parts of this country, I , Major Gideon Orkar, wish to happily inform you of the successful ousting of the dictatorial, corrupt, drug baronish, evil man, deceitful, homo-sexually-centered, prodigalistic, un-patriotic administration of General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida.  We have equally commenced their trials for unabated corruption, mismanagement of national economy, the murders of De

Another Big Loss to Kogi State politics

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> It Is really unbelievable that we lost another most vibrant son a father, Husband and brother. Hon. Abdul Suleiman Kokori formerly representing Okene/Ogori Federal constituency In National Assembly and presently Commissioner of Revenue Mobilization, Allocation and Fiscal Commission  May Allah grant you his acceptance Ameen Untill his death he was a member of Revenue, Mobilization, Allocation and fiscal commission as commissioner by President Muhammadu Buhari and the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria had confirmed Hon Suleiman Kokori Abdul along 29 others as Federal Commissioners (2019-2024). Hon Suleiman Kokori Abdul was the “Onuwoji Obanyi Ebira” (Chief Advisor to the throne of Ohinoyi Ebira). His biological father was the pi

We can re-write Nigeria in Arabic — what matters is governance

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Written By Fredrick Nwabufo is a writer and journalist Twitter @FredrickNwabufo Bigotry. We are big on it. To inflame passions and to smoke out the most reticent of Nigerians, flagellate the tempers of religion and ethnicity. Yes, then you will see the beast behind the mask. The mute compels speech and even the Nigerian PhD holder brawls when matters circle around his religion and ethnicity. Critical thinking is embargoed and the animal in man takes over. Why do we lose our heads over religion? Some Nigerians become executioners when they assume their religion has been slighted, but when it comes to the bounden duty of holding government to account they surrender their rights to fate. What we should be most concerned about – which is

Ex-Ghana President, Jerry Rawlings, Dies At 73

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Ex-Ghana President, Jerry Rawlings, Dies At 73 Citizens of Ghana have lamented the death of their former presdient, John Jerry Rawlings.  No doubt, Rawlings will be greatly missed and would hardly be replaced. My heartfelt condolence goes to the immediate family of this great Ghanaian leader, J J Rawlings in particular and the people of Ghana in general for the reforms he carried out in Ghana. Posterity Will continue to remember him for his good deeds. May God give the loved ones he has left behind the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. RIP J J Rawlings. Ex-Senate President, Bukola Saraki described the late Rawlings as a pan-Africanist. “From his early days as a young revolutionary, to his later years as a renowned st

What Will Happen If Trump Refuse To Leave White House At The End of His Tenure

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> On March 4th 1801 the second president of the United States John Adams refused to hand over office to his main rival at the 1800 election Thomas Jefferson. The rule of midday January 20 had not been written yet. Despite his stubbornness THE OFFICE SIMPLY LEFT HIM!  After Thomas Jefferson was sworn in at an event which the incumbent refused to attend Whitehouse staff started to remove the president’s belongings from the White house (Adams was the first president to reside at the new official residence). All security organs cut all official communication. All presidential staff stopped taking instructions from Adams – THE OFFICE MOVED. From that time all incumbents at the White House prepare early to leave in-case they see s