Another Big Loss to Kogi State politics, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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It Is really unbelievable that we lost another most vibrant son a father, Husband and brother. Hon. Abdul Suleiman Kokori formerly representing Okene/Ogori Federal constituency In National Assembly and presently Commissioner of Revenue Mobilization, Allocation and Fiscal Commission 

May Allah grant you his acceptance Ameen

Untill his death he was a member of Revenue, Mobilization, Allocation and fiscal commission as commissioner by President Muhammadu Buhari and the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria had confirmed Hon Suleiman Kokori Abdul along 29 others as Federal Commissioners (2019-2024).

Hon Suleiman Kokori Abdul was the “Onuwoji Obanyi Ebira” (Chief Advisor to the throne of Ohinoyi Ebira). His biological father was the pioneer holder of the exalted title in Ebira land.

Almighty Allah source of forgiveness and salvation, grant him Arjanatul Firdaus. Amen

Published By

ASA Reporters


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