Understated Dominance Chapter 31 to 40

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Dustin drove over to the Nicholson’s home at noon. The villa was in a secluded neighborhood, with flowers and hedges decorating the front yard.
Dahlia was right outside. Dustin tried to avoid her but was still spotted.
“Stop right there! I need to talk to you!”
“What is it?” Dustin asked. Their backs were to each other as they spoke.
“I haven’t told Granddad about our divorce because of his condition.”
“Do you think we can keep him from finding out?”
“I’ll find a chance to tell him after, just not today.”
“Alright. Anything else?”
“Nope.” Dahlia turned and went inside the house without another word.
They never once looked at each other, acting like complete strangers.
Dustin took a deep breath and went in as well, wine in hand. The living room was filled with people, including most of the Nicholson’s. Only John, Dahlia’s father, was absent, still outside on his trip.
Yet someone was sitting in his usual seat this time, an outsider too– Chris Nolan.
“How rude to have us elders wait on him like this,” Florence jeered, her expression mean.
“Shh, Mom. He might get upset and hurt you!” James chirped loudly. He hadn’t let go of what had happened yesterday. The bruises were still visible on his face.
“Alright, now that everyone’s here, let’s have dinner.” Henry Nicholson announced, beaming at Dustin. “Come and sit beside me, kid.”
“Sure.” Dustin smiled in return and helped the old man to his seat.
James scowled, his eyes burning with jealousy. “Kiss–ass!”
He had never understood why his grandfather doted on Dustin. James was the old man’s grandson by blood!
“Come, let us all drink!” Henry toasted.
“Granddad, look at this.” James pulled up a decorated box of wine. “Chris brought this beautiful wine over, a fine Grand Cru from La Romanee Conti. We should all toast with this!”
“La Romanee Conti? That’s a really expensive vintner, no?”
“Yes, it is. It was 100 thousand dollars a bottle!” Chris boasted.
“What? 100 thousand dollars a bottle?!” everyone exclaimed in shock. The sky–high price had been way beyond their expectations.
The Harmon’s were pretty well–off, but even they hadn’t had a chance to try something this expensive.
“Why’d you spend all that money on this, Chris? It’s too much, no?” Florence questioned, though pride laced her tone. After all, Chris was her first choice for a son–in-law.
“100 something thousand isn’t much. I have another barrel of this at home, so please, you all enjoy,” Chris grinned like a cat that ate the canary. The pride was evident on his face, however.
“Mr. Nolan, you’re really generous.”
“Yeah, we’re really in for a treat tonight!”
The family began praising Chris for his wine, feeding his ego further.
“Hey, boy, look at how sincere James is. His wine costs 100 thousand dollars. But what about yours, hm? You bought them from the dollar store, didn’t you? Cheapskate!” Florence sneered and even kicked James in the calf.
“Why don’t we have a look?” James proposed with a conspiring smile. He swiftly opened Dustin’s box of wine.
The wines were quickly unboxed for everyone’s viewing pleasure.
“Teh, and here I thought they were decent quality. Looks like these are just craft brews, worth no more than two thousand dollars, I bet.” James had a look of disdain on his face. “How could these compare to Grand Crus?”
“Craft brews have long lost their value on the market. We don’t even give our servants. These!” someone exclaimed,
Craft brews weren’t actually that terrible in terms of quality, but they were nothing compared to Grand Crus.
“What a cheapskate!” Florence scoffed,
“How are craft brews cheap when they’ve been on the rise in the country? Is your taste in fine wine only limited to those brewed overseas?” Dustin casually responded.
“How is it not cheap when they cost only a couple thousand? Chris’ wines cost more than 100 thousand dollars.” James rolled his eyes.
“Wines don’t have to be expensive to be good. Plus, you don’t know how much exactly my wines cost.”
“Are you still trying to make a comeback?” James sneered.
Florence scowled. “Hmph! So damn stubborn, that one.”
“I’m not going to waste any more of my time trying to explain to people who won’t listen to reason,” Dustin said. He really didn’t want to waste his breath any longer.
“That’s enough. What matters most is the flavor, not the cost. I prefer whites over reds. Anyway.” Henry finally interrupted, popped open one of the craft brews, and poured himself a glass.
“Wait, why is it so yellow? Shouldn’t craft brews be pale white?”
“It’s murky too! It isn’t fake, is it?”
“My goodness, bringing fake wine to dinner! What kind of person would do that?”
The people started whispering to each other upon seeing the yellow liquid in the old man’s glass.
“Now you’ve really done it! How dare you mock us all with this sham of a gift?!
Florence cried, slamming the table with one hand.
“What if something happens to us after drinking it?!”
“I never expected him to be so evil! Is he trying to poison us all or what?”
A commotion broke out at the table in an instant.
Cheap wine was already embarrassing enough, but fake wine? That was a conspiracy waiting to happen!
Not even the old man knew how to calm the situation down now. He never drank much craft brews, but even he knew it was supposed to be a pale, nearly transparent color. Yet the wine Dustin had brought was not only yellow; it even seemed opaque.
It didn’t look like anything good.
“This is how fine–aged craft brews usually turn out to look like,” Dustin explained.
“Bullshit!” James cried. “Do you think we’re idiots? No wine looks like this! It’s piss, that’s all it is!”
“Yeah! Why do you continue to lie through your teeth?” Florence huffed.
Chris shook his head with faux empathy. “Oh, Dustin. You should’ve told me if you couldn’t bring anything to the table. I could’ve given you a bottle or two for show. Why would you want to drag us down like this?”
His words seemed kind, but in truth, he was leaping for joy internally. Dustin truly was no match for him. His victory over this family nearly felt effortless.
“I don’t care if you trust me or not. All I can say is this wine is genuine and as good as they come,” Dustin reaffirmed.
“Whoa, what a crowd!”
Suddenly, a man appeared in the doorway, still dressed in his business suit, holding several gifts.
“Dad? You’re back from your trip already?” James gasped.
It was John Nicholson, Dahlia’s father.
“Well, the deal was a success, so I came home Carly.” John smiled. The wines on the table caught his attention. “Oh, is that La Romanee? It’s a recent brew I think, but it must cost at least 100 thousand dollars a bottle, am I right?”
“Good on you, Dad! You’re right!” James beamed.
“Dear, Chris brought this over for dinner. Isn’t he sweet?” Florence spoke up, then she turned to glare at Dustin. “Unlike some people who tried to poison all of us with fake wine!”
“Fake wine?” John exclaimed.
“Yeah, look!” James showed his father the glass of yellow liquid. “Dustin brought this over for dinner. If we hadn’t noticed in time, God knows what would’ve happened to us if we drank it.”
John took a close whiff of the wine, then tossed the entire glass down in one g o.
“Dad, what are you doing? Don’t drink that! You’ll kill yourself!” James yelled.
Yet John seemed to be reveling in the taste of the wine. “A smooth, creamy body, followed by a heady finish, this isn’t fake. This is a priceless aged craft brew!” “What?!” Everyone gasped.
“You must be kidding, right, Dad? This can’t be aged wine!” James’ eyes were wide as dinner plates.
“Look at how yellowish it looks, though. It must be fake!” Florence accused.
“You guys must not have seen brews like this before. Aged craft brews get this color, and it only darkens the longer it’s been aging. Every wine connoisseur knows this.”
The looks on everyone’s faces quickly changed. Their accusations had just been dampened significantly, not by just anyone but by John Nicholson himself, a well- known wine enthusiast. His judgment couldn’t be wrong.
“I was blessed to be able to try such a fine wine years ago with a government official, but this brew right here must be finer than the one I had that body and finish tell me it must’ve been aged for at least 50 years!” John smacked his lip s, still enjoying the brew’s aftertaste. ?
“How much would it cost on the market?” James asked curiously.
“It’s priceless. You couldn’t find a willing seller even if you offered a city’s worth. But if we judge based on recent wine auction values, it should cost at least two million dollars,”
“Two million?!” Everyone gasped. They’ve never even heard of wine that costs this much! Chris’ Grand Cru was nothing compared to that!’
“No way!” Florence refused to believe it. “Are you sure about this, John? How could Dustin be able to afford this?”
“Yeah! He can’t even afford a nice pair of pants, not to mention something this expensive!” James cried. His argument brought forth the table’s resounding agreement.
“He has a point. How could that vagrant have that much money?”
“Hmm… where did you get this brew, Dustin?” John asked gently.
“A friend gave it to me,” he answered truthfully.
“Gave it to you?” Florence scowled. “How could someone like you have friend s rich enough to buy a drink like that? Even if they did, why would they give it to you in the first place? I bet you stole it from them!
“Yeah, he must’ve stolen it!” James nodded vigorously, finding a new accusation to slap Dustin with. He refused to believe Dustin could afford this sort of quality wine, whether or not it was given to him by a friend.
“Why did you have to steal this of all things, Dustin? Do you know how many years you’ll have to spend in prison for theft?” Chris huffed, appearing to be considerate.
 How could that pauper have gotten a hold of something not even he could?
“Whether you believe me or not doesn’t matter to me. I didn’t steal it, and that’s enough for me,” Dustin droned.
First, they called his wine cheap. Then, after revealing it wasn’t, they find another accusation of him having stolen it. Next, they would just say he blackmailed Natasha into giving it to him.
That’s why there was no use explaining to them further.
“Hah, see? Where’s your excuse now? I knew you stole this!” Florence screeched.
“You thief! I can’t believe you stole this just to look good in front of us!” James gasped, playing along.
“Whatever. I got this wine for Granddad and Granddad only, so you guys don’t have to drink any if you don’t want to!” Dustin rolled his eyes. He had had enough of this crap.
“Enough, all of you! I trust Dustin with my whole heart, and I know he didn’t steal this wine, so stop it!” Henry finally ground out.
“But Granddad…
“Be quiet! Eat your food!” the old man ordered once again. Only then did everyone shut up.
Even Florence and James, who still didn’t believe he could have lawfully gotten his hands on the craft brew.
Dinner finally began. Even though everyone had their turn at smearing Dustin’ s name, they still gladly took their share of the craft brew. Even those who didn’t drink alcohol tried a few sips.
After all, this brew cost over two million dollars on the market, a precious delicacy they had never had the luck to try before. Why pass on the opportunity?
Dustin could only snort at how stubborn this family of people was.
Dinner soon came to an end.
Chris rapped on the table, calling for everyone’s attention.
“Everyone, I would like to share some good news with you all. Nolan Pharmaceuticals has been looking to increase its share pool, so we are currently welcoming new investors. Is anyone here interested?”
“New investors?” Everyone’s attention was immediately captured.
Nolan Pharmaceuticals was an industry–leading corporation with very limited shares available. That was why Chris’ announcement came as a shock to everyone at the table.
“Hasn’t the company been doing alright, Mr. Nolan? Why the sudden invitation?” Dahlia asked curiously.
“Of course, it has been. We’ve just been planning to list our company publicly, that’s why. As everyone knows, our company is not short on talent or the cap ability to overcome competition. This share listing is just so we have some fun ds to give our employees a good bonus this season.” Chris smiled. “We haven’t officially announced this to the public yet, and the spots are limited. If anyone here is interested, we can save some spots for you.
That sure got everyone on board. Nolan Pharmaceuticals could easily bag the m all hefty profits!
“Count me in, Mr. Nolan. I have five million to spare!” James called out eagerly.
“Eight million on me!” Florence followed.
Chris beamed. “Alright, two spots for you guys.
“Hey, I want a share too! You’ve got yourself another three million!”
“Five… five million for me–that’s all my life savings!”
The family started shouting over each other, worried they wouldn’t be able to get a share. It was a perfect example of herd mentality.
“What about you, Dahlia? How many shares would you like to get?” Chris turned to Dahlia. “I can give you extra from the pot, given our relationship.”
“I…” Dahlia gave it some thought.
She had learned a lot on her way up to where she was today. Naturally, she knew not to make decisions based on personal sentiment.
“Don’t you trust me, Dahlia? I’m offering you a share because you’re important to me. You can say no if you want to–there are loads of other people waiting to get their share.” Chris huffed lightly.
“I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that I’ll be joining as a shareholder in a company with the Harmon’s very soon, so I’m being extra careful with how I’m spending my funds, just in case,” she explained.
“How much do you have in hand right now?” Chris asked.
“Not much. So million tops.”
“That’s more than enough! To be frank with you, you don’t need that much to work with the Harmon’s. Why don’t you consider investing in my company instead? We pay out really solid dividends each year.”
“He’s right, Dahlia. This is a once–in–a–lifetime opportunity!” Florence cried.
“What are you waiting for, sis? You can trust Mr. Nolan. He’s already helped you out so many times!” James added.
“If you believe in me, Dahlia, then invest in my company. But if you don’t, its fine too,” Chris finally relented.
“L… Alright then.”
After some hesitation, Dahlia finally nodded. She was only doing this to pay back the favor she owed Chris, and he had insisted so much that it would be disrespectful to reject his offer.
This investment wasn’t a bad idea either.
Just like that, Dahlia’s so million dollars were all promised to Nolan Pharmaceuticals.
“What about you, Dustin? Wanna buy a share?” Chris suddenly asked with a smirk he didn’t bother hiding.
“Oh, and by the way, one million is the minimum investment amount. You can have a go at earning big if you have that much as a starter.”
“Thanks, but no thanks.”
“Heh, I see… Are you not interested? Or… don’t you have that much to spare? How about this: For Dahlia’s sake, I’ll let you have a ten–million share if you can fork out a hundred thousand dollars at least.” Chris grinned.
Dustin replied nonchalantly, “No, thank you. I have no interest in a company that’s on the verge of packing it up.”
That brought Chris’ mood to a shocked standstill.
“What did you say?”
Chris froze, thinking he had misheard him.
“I said I’m not interested in a business that’s about to go bankrupt,” Dustin repeated.
Everyone was too stunned to react to his words.
“How dare you! That’s nonsense!”
Chris was shocked, but he quickly denied it. “Nolan Pharmaceuticals is raking in profits every day and is at its prime. How could we go bankrupt? Stop fear– mongering!”
“Only you know whether this is fear–mongering or not. Anyways, I’ve received news that Nolan Pharmaceuticals will be investigated due to the sale of counterfeit illicit drugs. It’s just a matter of time before they go bankrupt.” Dustin’s words were very shocking.
“Counterfeit drugs? Investigated?”
Now, everyone was even more puzzled.
Their gaze turned to Chris.
“Nonsense! All of it is nonsense!”
“Dustin, stop spreading these rumors. Nolan Pharmaceuticals is a law– abiding company. How could it go under investigation? I can sue you for defamation!” Chris threatened.
His words may appear firm, but he was in turmoil on the inside. Nolan Pharmaceuticals was indeed under investigation and would go bankrupt soon. He intended to list the company as a publicly traded company to raise capital so he could run off with a fortune.
However, the news had been suppressed. How did Dustin know without it being leaked?
“Dustin, what nonsense are you spewing? How can a company as successful as Nolan. Pharmaceuticals go bankrupt?” Florence reprimanded.
“That’s right! Everyone knows that Nolan Pharmaceuticals has good assets and is at the peak of success. Stop spreading lies!” James also piped in.
It was obvious they doubted him. After all, the Nolan family had a long history in Swinton. They also maintained a good reputation, so it did not seem possible to have issues.
“It’s the truth. Nolan Pharmaceuticals is about to go under, and the so– called ‘capital increase and share expansion ‘is nothing than a money– grabbing scam.”
Chris even contacted Mason to borrow money. The investigation of the company and its bankruptcy were obviously true.
“Bullshit! I just wanted to do everyone a favor because we’re close. It’s fine if you choose not to accept my offer, but how dare you slander me? What intentions do you have?” Chris cried out.
“Mr. Rhys, it’s fine if you’re not able to help us. But why cause trouble when Chris just wants to help us? You’re really devious!”
“That’s right! This fellow must be slandering Chris because he’s jealous!”
“Dustin, you’re so despicable!”
Everyone started to chime in, one after another.
Dustin was poor, while Chris had power and money. Between the two, they w ere more inclined to believe Chris.
Dustin couldn’t help but frown as he watched the commotion. He did not expect his kind intentions to be returned with such a negative reaction. This proved that no one would believe a man without money or power.
“Dustin, do you have proof that Nolan Pharmaceuticals is going bankrupt?” Dahlia suddenly asked. She had invested eight million worth of funds. Naturally, she had to be caution.
“I don’t have evidence. But what I said was the truth. You can check if you don’t believe me. You should be able to trace the information,” Dustin replied coldly.
Dahlia’s expression darkened at his words. Did this mean he was just making it up? She even had high expectations for him. It turned out he was just making false accusations. This must be the result of his jealousy turning into hatred.
“Everyone, since Dustin claimed I’m a swindler, just forget the matter about the shares, lest I rip off everyone.”
Seeing that the timing was right, Chris deliberately put on an act as if he had been wronged.
Chris’ words made everyone nervous.
How could they let this opportunity to make a fortune slip away so easily?
“Chris, ignore this fellow. He’s obviously jealous of you. But we’re not, we all believe you!” Florence immediately took a stand.
“That’s right! Chris, you promised us about the stocks. You can’t just forget ab out it.”
Everyone agreed right away. As they spoke, they turned and glared at Dustin.
“Dustin Rhys, don’t stop us from making a fortune! Otherwise, I won’t let you off so easily!”
“Yeah! Get lost if you wish to continue on with this nonsense!”
The crowd chattered and chimed in one after another. From their perspective, Dustin was slandering Chris and preventing them from making money. He had such malicious intentions!
“Do all of you really trust Chris? Hasn’t anyone ever doubted if he was lying?” Dustin asked with a frown.
“That’s none of your business! We’ll do what we want!” James glared at him.
“That’s right! Even if we were cheated, it would be on our own terms! It has nothing to do with you! You’re really such a busybody!” Florence looked at him with disgust.
Dustin smirked at these words. He appeared to be making a fool of himself or being disdainful.
“Since you all love to give away your money. Forget
I ever said anything.” He shook his head. It was hard to advise these stiff– necked people. These people were so blinded by money that they had no hop e. He would just be embarrassing himself if he tried to warn them any further. He even looked forward to their reactions after finding out they had been scammed.
“If you have nothing nice to say, you should shut up! You’re such a let-down!” Florence spat out.
She would have gotten rid of him if not for Henry’s sake.
“Alright, this is just a misunderstanding. Dustin must’ve been misled by some news.” Henry tried to smooth things over.
“Yeah! It’s all just a misunderstanding.”
John smiled and tried to change the topic. “Oh, Dahlia, you were saying you’re starting a company with the Harmon family. How’s it going?”
“I’ve become partners with the Harmon family and signed the contract. Our new company will be officially launched in two days. We’ll be having an opening ceremony at that time. Feel free to join if you have the time,” Dahlia offered with a smile.
It was her goal to work with the Harmon family.
“Is that so? That’s awesome. I’ll be sure to attend!” John answered happily.
“Dahlia, I didn’t expect you to partner with the Harmon family. We’ll be able to gain a stronger foothold in Swinton in the future.” Henry was very relieved.
“Chris helped out a lot in this matter. If he hadn’t pulled some strings, we would never even be eligible to partner with the Harmon family.” Dahlia spoke as she turned to face Henry.
“Dad, not only that, today when Trevor tried to cause Dahlia trouble, Chris called for Mr. Anderson, who helped her out of the situation!” James added.
“Is that so? Then I’ll have to thank you, Chris!” James raised his glass and gave Chris a toast.
“It’s nothing. I was just helping out.” Chris raised his glass in response.
“You must be very influential to be able to ask for Mr. Anderson. But some people who don’t know any better even tried to accuse the Nolan family of going bankrupt. What a joke?” James commented in a condescending tone.
Dustin sipped his wine quietly, acting as if he did not hear a thing. Although he knew the truth, he couldn’t be bothered to reveal it, because they wouldn’t believe him. The truth would prevail when the Nolan family went bankrupt.
As they continued to drink, the atmosphere at the table loosened up more.
Compared to Dustin, who had been left out, Chris was the center of attention. They surrounded him and greeted him warmly, laughing heartily. However, no one in the Nicholson family realized they were sinking into a mire of their own making.
The following morning at the Hummer Villa.
As the richest man in Swinton, Edwin was drinking tea leisurely with an old man.
“Mr. Lawson, it’s too bad that the lady was so cautious and left before the drug could take effect. Otherwise, I will definitely have subdued her!” Edwin lamented.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Hummer. She doesn’t have the antidote for the drug I gave her. She will definitely come begging if she doesn’t want to die. You can have your way with her then,” Fletcher joked.
“Is that so? That’s perfect!” Edwin’s eyes lit up. He had been longing for a thorny rose like Natasha for a long time. The thought of toying with such an exquisite woman in bed made his heart race.
“Sir Hummer…”
Suddenly, a bodyguard came and whispered something in Edwin’s ear.
“What? Trevor is dead?”
Edwin’s face darkened and he demanded, “Who did it? Who dared touch my men?
Trevor was his right–hand man and did his dirty deeds. His sudden death was quite a loss to Edwin.
“It was rumored to be his adopted son, Mason. That man was in a hurry to take over the position, so he killed Trevor.”
“Mason?” Edwin narrowed his eyes, and thought, “That bastard is so cruel. He wouldn’t even spare his adoptive father?”
“Mr. Hummer, I think there’s something fishy about this matter.” Fetcher had a suspicion.
“Huh? Did you think of something?” Edwin raised his eyebrows.
“Trevor called me yesterday, asking me to get rid of someone related to Hunter Anderson. I planned to ask him about it today, I didn’t expect him to pass so soon. Fetcher stroked his beard.
“So you think that person killed Trevor?” Edwin quickly understood what he was implying.
“That’s possible!” Fletcher nodded.
“If that person is related to Hunter, this matter is not as simple as it seems.” Edwin rubbed his chin, deep in thought.
He had devoted all of his attention to the Harmon family, so if he were to provoke Hunter and both families joined forces, even he would be in deep trouble.
“Sir Hummer, I have an idea if you’re afraid of causing trouble.”
“Please, go on.”
“Doesn’t Trevor have an older brother, Travis? I heard he is serving in a warzone in the west. Besides, he is also a lieutenant who commands thousands of men. We could just inform him of the news of Trevor’s death, and let him do the rest. Then, we can sit back and watch the show!” Fletcher smiled sinisterly.
“That’s a great idea!”
Edwin’s eyes lit up. Make use of him!
“With a reckless man like Travis leading the way, I can definitely
At the same time, in the office of the Jackson Group.
Just as Dahlia took a seat, Lyra knocked on her door and entered.
“Ms. Nicholson! Something bad has happened!”
“What is it?” Dahlia felt her chest tighten.
“I heard there was a massacre at the Drey Group and Trevor was murdered!” Lyra’s words shocked her.
“What? Travis was murdered?” Dahlia was dumbfounded. He was Sir Spanner! The King of the Underground in East City, who did business with both lawful and unlawful people. How could he just die?
Besides, they had just seen each other yesterday.
“I’m not too sure of the details, but news on this has been released.” At this point, Lyra asked in a hushed voice, “Ms. Nicolson, do you think this has anything to do with Dustin?”
Dahlia pursed her lips and answered, “I don’t think so. Even if he fights well, he doesn’t have the guts to kill someone.
“That might not be the case.” Lyra shook her head and added mysteriously, “As the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures. Trevor would definitely not let the issue of his son becoming crippled slide. Dustin might risk everything in order to protect himself!”
Dahlia couldn’t help but frown at these words. That could indeed be the case.
“It’s a good thing that he died. At least we don’t have to worry about him anymore. In that case, Dustin might have done a good deed.” Lyra smiled. 1
“I’m afraid it’s not that simple,” Dahlia stated solemnly. “There’s a reason why Trevor could act so lawlessly. He has someone very influential supporting him. This man is our greatest worry!”
“Someone supporting him? Who is it?” Lyra asked curiously
“Edwin Hummer, the richest man in Swinton!” Dahlia answered.
“What? Sir Hummer?”
Lyra’s eyes widened in shock as if she had seen a ghost. Everyone knew that anything Sir Hummer said was obeyed without question in Swinton.
Trevor was big in East City, but Sir Hummer was the true master of Swinton. He was so powerful that he could just demand anything with the snap of his fingers. He was also very influential in business, politics, and the military.
Anyone who wronged Sir Hummer would face a fate worse than death.
“Ms. Nicholson, don’t tell me this matter really involves Sir Hummer?” Lyra gulped.
“It’s hard to say. Trevor was one of Sir Hummer’s men. Now that he was suddenly killed, Sir Hummer will definitely investigate this matter. It would be troublesome if Dustin was involved.” Dahlia’s expression darkened.
“Even if that were the case, it would be Dustin’s fault. It has nothing to do with us, right?” Lyra asked tentatively.
“This depends on how Sir Hummer sees this matter. If he thinks this has something to do with us, neither of us would be spared!” Dahlia added.
“What!” Lyra panicked immediately. She could still remain calm when facing Trevor. However, her legs trembled even thinking about Edwin Hummer.
“Ms. Nicholson, why don’t we ask Chris Nolan for help? Ask him to have Mr. Anderson intervene.” Lyra reacted quickly.
“I owe Chris too many favors. I don’t want to trouble him further.” Dahlia shook her head.
“Then what should we do? If Sir Hummer pursues this matter, aren’t we all in t rouble?” Lyra cried.
“Don’t be flustered. I’m now partnered with the Harmon family. As long as we have their protection after the company’s launch tomorrow, Sir Hummer won’t be too harsh onus,” she explained.
“That’s right! We still have the Harmon family!” Lyra revealed a smile. “As long as the ceremony goes smoothly, we’ll be under the Harmon family after the announcement.
Nobody would dare bully us!”
Now all their hope depended on the Harmon family.
In the evening, outside the gates of Spanner Manor.
Countless military vehicles roared. The car in front carried a flag with the word s Western War Zone.”
As the vehicle stopped, rows of heavily armed soldiers stepped down, one aft er another.
There was a murderous aura surrounding the area.
“Sir, we have arrived!” A commander walked up to the car and saluted.
The door quickly opened, and a burly middle– aged man in battle armor stepped out.
This man was the lieutenant of the western war zone, Travis Spanner.
“Uncle Travis! You’re finally here!”
At this moment, the doors of the manor opened slowly. Edward was being supported by two men as he limped out.
“Let me see the body,” Travis demanded.
Edward did not dare say anything else and immediately led the way.
There was a coffin right at the entrance to the living room. Trevor was lying inside, with eyes tightly closed.
“What on earth happened? Why did your father die so suddenly?” Travis gritted his teeth, a look of rage on his face. He only had one brother. Naturally, he was furious that he had been murdered.
“It was Mason! That ungrateful brat killed Dad!” Edward began to whine.
“Mason? He’s nothing but a bastard. He wouldn’t have the guts.” Travis narrowed his eyes off course, not him alone. I guess he worked with someone on the outside who wanted to take advantage of this at the same time!” Edward’s face was clouded with hatred.
“Did your dad make enemies with anyone recently?” Travis asked.
“Uh… Dad easily offends people, but they’re all insignificant people,” Edward explained.
“So you don’t know anything after all?” Travis frowned.
“It all happened too suddenly. I was at a loss for a while.”
“Useless! You’re no better than a bastard!” Travis snorted coldly, not bothering to say another word, and gave an order. “Someone investigate this matter at once! I don’t care what it takes. Find me the murderer, even if you have to turn the entire Swinton upside down!”
Before the matter of Trevor’s death could come to a rest, there was a surprising announcement the next day. The Harmon family had decided on a partner, and today would be the opening ceremony of the new company. Once the news was released, everyone came forward to offer their congratulations.
At 8.00 am, luxurious cars were already gathered at the entrance of the Emerald Building. However, Natasha, one of the important attendees, was not present. Instead, she was drinking coffee leisurely at some coffee shop.
“Over here, Mr. Rhys.” As soon as she saw Dustin enter, she jumped to her feet and waved.
“Isn’t today the opening ceremony of your new company? Why did you want to meet here?”
Dustin sat across from her. Natasha was wearing a white blouse and a skirt to day. Her dark hair was tied in a bun, making her look even more mature. Her t op wrapped tightly around her chest, looking as if it were about to pop.
“It’s only the opening ceremony. A date with you is much more important.” Natasha blinked her eyes teasingly. Her fiery red lips were so alluring.
“Ms. Harmon, stop joking. Let’s talk business.” Dustin was starting to be flustered.
“Alright, I won’t beat around the bush.” She smiled and asked, “Mr. Rhys, doe s Trevor’s death have anything to do with you?”
“Why are you asking?” Dustin raised his eyebrows.
“I’m just curious. Although Trevor is a reckless bastard, he has many men. It’s not easy to kill him. I thought for some time, and it seemed only you, Mr. Rhys, had the ability to do so.” Natasha was deep in thought.
“Haha! Ms. Harmon, you think too highly of me.” Dustin laughed without giving a straight answer.
“Trevor’s death is nothing. It wouldn’t affect the situation in Swinton. But the problem is the men behind him,” Natasha continued.
“Are you talking about Edwin Hummer?”
“He is one of them. But he won’t do anything disadvantageous to himself because of Trevor. He’s easier to deal with.
“Do you mean Trevor has other patrons?”
“That’s right. He has a brother, Travis. He’s a lieutenant with great power. He can’t be underestimated!” Natasha spoke in a grave tone.
Even the Harmon family did not want to go against people involved in the military. This was also why she did not immediately retaliate when Trevor had kidnapped her.
“Thanks for the warning, Ms. Harmon. I’ll take note of this. “Dustin nodded, his heart filled with gratitude.
“Oh, there’s also another thing.” Natasha changed the topic, continuing by saying” Regarding the ambergris, I already have the results. According to the investigation, the one who drugged me is known as Mr. Lawson.”
“Mr. Lawson? What’s his background?” Dustin asked.
“This man is the same as Trevor. He’s Edwin’s right– hand man. However, his identity is a mystery. He has been living behind the scenes, giving advice, and carrying out shady activities.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I want to cut off Edwin’s limbs and teach him a lesson! But… my men are not able to deal with such people, so I have to ask for your help,” Natasha gently implored.
“Lure him out and create an opportunity for me to deal with him,” Dustin answered casually.
“Thank you, Mr. Rhys!” Natasha smiled and added, “I’ve invited Edwin to the opening of the new company today. Mr. Lawson will also be there. You can carry out your plan then.”
“Okay.” Dustin nodded.
“Mr. Rhys, it’s almost time. Let’s go.”
The two did not linger for long. After finishing the coffee, they headed toward the Emerald building.
At this moment, there was a big crowd in front of the building. As they stepped down from the car, they saw Dahlia and her family entering the venue. Dahlia was part of the new company, so it wasn’t surprising to see a representative of the Nicholson family here.
“Dustin, why do I keep running into you?” a voice came from behind.
Dustin turned around only to be met with the sight of Chris Nolan.
“I don’t recall Dahlia inviting you. Are you really so shameless?” Chris sneered.
“I invited Dustin. Do you have a problem with that?”
Natasha took a few steps forward. Her domineering stance made Chris take a few steps back.
“Hmph! You’re a man that needs a woman to stand up for you? What a useless man!” Chris grimaced disdainfully. He added, “And you! You’ll regret it sooner or later, staying with this trash!”
“What does that have to do with you? Stay away from me!” Natasha snorted coldly. She put her arms around Dustin and walked into the hall without a care.
“Stupid b*tch! You’re so full of yourself! I’ll get you in bed one day!” Chris gritted his teeth as he watched them walk away. He couldn’t understand why someone as useless as Dustin was so good with women.
“Chris, you’re here to join the fun too?”
A fashionably dressed man exited a Maybach.
“Hey! Isn’t that Jeff Anderson? You’re here too?”
Chris’s eyes lit up.
It was none other than Hunter Anderson’s son, Jeff Anderson!
“The Harmon family is launching a new company, so I had to come!” Jeff smiled.
“Jeff! The Harmon family is honored to have someone like you attend the opening ceremony!” Chris started to butter him up.
“Nonsense! Even my dad has to show respect before the
Steel Lady. What a business. Prodigy! I’m nothing compared to her.” Jeff was very composed.
“You’re being modest.”
Chris smiled smugly, and quickly changed the topic. “Speaking of the Steel Lady, I’ve never seen her before today. I wonder if she is as beautiful as they say.”
“Among the Four Beauties of Swinton, Natasha ranks first. Her beauty is unmatched. It’s a shame that no man can get their hands on such an exquisite woman.” Jeff lamented.
“Not even you?” Chris was stunned.
“Bullshit! I would be honored even to carry her shoes!” Jeff rolled his eyes. He dared not speak informally of someone of equal status to his father.
“If even you aren’t worth it, what hope is there for the rest of us?” Chris sighed.
“To be honest, someone like the Steel Lady couldn’t care less about a man’s background. As long as she likes him, even a pauper could become a prince!”
Jeff added.
“Someone so lucky wouldn’t exist!” Chris shook his head.
“That’s hard to say,” Jeff said with a chuckle, and continued, “Truth be told, I heard a rumor that the Steel Lady has found herself a boyfriend. She even plans to push him to the top in Swinton.”
“Huh? Is that true?” Chris was so startled his body quivered with excitement.
“Why would I lie to you about this? I guess you’ll be able to see it soon,” Jeff quipped.
“Who is so lucky to get her attention?” Chris narrowed his eyes, his gaze filled with jealousy and admiration. After all, she was a business prodigy, one of the wealthiest people in Swinton. Not only did she have money and power, but she was also breath taking. Such an exquisite woman was as rare as a four– leaf clover.
“I don’t know who it is, but I’m sure if you could get on good terms with him, yo u would have a bright future!” Jeff reminded him.
“When you put it like that, I really want to know this guy.” His eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, “Jeff, you’re quite influential. Can you get me an introduction?”
“An introduction? I have yet to be introduced and you want me to introduce you?” Jeff answered exasperatedly.
Before coming, his father had asked him to strike up an acquaintance with this new guy. As long as they could become friends, he wouldn’t have to worry for the rest of his life.
“I’ve told you what I can. It depends on yourself to change your fate.” Jeff couldn’t be bothered to say more. He waved his hand and entered the venue.
Chris smiled apologetically and trailed in behind. At this moment, he looked forward to meeting this person. Now that the Nolan family was facing bankruptcy, he could get help from the Harmon family and overcome this matter if he could get acquainted with this guy.
Then he wouldn’t need to abscond with the money.


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