
Showing posts from January, 2023

Ohinoyi HRM Alh Ado Ibrahim Replied Query by Kogi State Government.

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ohinoyi of Ebiraland Replies query given to him by Kogi Government. In his response he describes Query as Unfortunate. OHINIYI OF EBIRALAND  The Ohinoyi of Ebiraland, Dr. Ado Ibrahim Attah has replied the query issued on him by the Kogi State Government, describing the contents of the query as unfortunate and unfair. On 6th January, 2023 Kogi Stare  government had queried the paramount ruler of the people on why he was absent at the reception of President Muhammadu Buhari for project commissioning in Okene Local Government Area of the state. Responding in a three paged letter, the Ohinoyi noted that he was informed barely hours to the President’s visit, and also instructed by the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Abdulsalam Deedat to stay back in his palace for the President’s courtesy visit to him. Governor Yahaya Bello Need Mental Evaluation. Hoponu (Revenge) will not be accepted HERE IS T

"Query" The Sin of His Royal Majesty Alh Ado Ibrahim Attah, The Ohinoyi of Ebira Land.

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Query: 'Sins' of His Royal Majesty FATHER AND SON I thought it was going to be a quiet weekend and a day. My thought was disapproved when I picked up my phone after Subh prayer on Saturday to see some messages. I opened the first which was a picture message and it was a leaked query letter from the Kogi state ministry of local government and chieftaincy affairs to His Royal Majesty Alhaji Ado Ibrahim, the Ohinoyi Of Ebiraland and the Chairman of Kogi state traditional council. The letter to the Ohinoyi signed by a Director at the ministry said: “In a flagrant disregard to the persons and high offices of the President and Governor, you BLUNTLY REFUSED TO COME OUT (the emphasis is mine) to receive the President at the designated venue rightly approved by the Executive Governor of the State". The Director continued that protocol demands that when a President visits a state, top government officials, in

Governor Yahaya Bello Need Mental Evaluation. Hoponu (Revenge) will not be accepted.

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 When The Gods Want To Fight A Man They First Make Him Mad. How can a man expect the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland HRM Dr Ado Ibrahim who's palace was under attack few hours before the arrival of the president Muhamadu Buhari to left the incident of the bomb explosion to welcome the president, how do some people think? The explosion that claimed the lives of three person and properties is enough to bereaved by the King that even after a week of the incident he is not expected to attend any social gathering of whatsoever, and it is the same state government who tried to hide the explosion because they believe the live and the properties of the people they govern does not mean anything to them, just because after seven years they eventually invited Mr president for a project commission. Isn't that a shame? Logically without any forms of debate, if we believe that life exist before and after our reign in offi