

Written By: Prince Muhammed Adabara REMEMBERING THE GREAT Pa ADAI ISA DANGA:40 YEARS AFTER (the CUSTODIAN OF OKEVERE OBANYI aka EZIZIREBA OF EBIRA LAND.) His name is big. His image looms larger than life. Although he died on 2nd August 1980 making it 40 years of his remembrance,  Ebiras can’t forget Sir Isa Danga Ozi Ade'iza in a hurry. The reason is simple. He was a great man in his life time.He was the one who took the Ebira Cultural Heritage to the great height it is today. When many Ebira rich men could not afford a Rolls Royce he had one. He was prosperous. He looked it. His dressing was Glamourous. He was a mirror in the compendium as a God creation to serve humanity.   He's one of the traditional person in his foresight and wisdom that trained his children who later became icons and great achievers in their chosen careers.  He impacted ebira land and indeed the entire nation by providing Doctor, Pharmacist, Engineer, Lawyer, Accountant and many gr

Respect Yourself, If You Want To Earn Respect

*HOW TO RESPECT YOURSELF* *(1) Stop looking for who is not looking for you.* *(2) Stop begging.* *(3) Stop saying more than is necessary.* *(4) When people disrespect you, confront them immediately.* *(5) Don't eat other people's food more than they eat yours.* *(6) Reduce how you visit some people, especially if they don't reciprocate it.* *(7) Invest in yourself. Make yourself happy.* *(8) Stop entertaining gossip about other people.* *(9) Think before you talk. 80% of how people value you is what comes out of your mouth.* *(10) Always look your best. Dress the way you should be addressed.* *(11) Be an achiever. Get busy with your goals* *(12) Respect your time.* *(13) Don't stay in a relationship where you don't feel respected and valued. Walk away.* *(14) Learn to spend money on yourself. That's how people will learn to spend on you.* *(15) Be scarce sometimes.* *(16) Be a giver more than a receiver.* *(17) Don't go where you are not invited.

Corruption everywhere in Nigeria

THE SITUATION IN NIGERIA. The lecturer who insists on sex for a young girl to pass is complaining about the rot in Nigeria. The pastor who pays his driver 20k in Lagos or PH while his own son schools in the US is complaining about the hopelessness in Nigeria. The trader who removes 2 bowls of rice from the bag, rebags and sells as a 'full' bag is complaining about the wickedness in Nigeria. The civil servant who comes to work once a week and shows up end of month to receive alert is complaining about politicians who do nothing. The student who spends the weekend partying only to start posting Instagram pictures on Monday is complaining that Nigeria is stealing his/her dreams. The motor owner who can't join a simple queue but keeps darting in and out of traffic to shunt is complaining about disorderliness in Nigeria. Doctors in public and teaching hospitals on government payroll who abandon patients on the floor but are thriving in their private hospitals are com

3 Reasons why Ngige Responded Back To Hon Faleke Do Way He Does

3 questions that Faleke asked Ngige which led to the outburst by Ngige. Last week, during the House of Representative's, there was an outburst from the Honourable minister of Labour and Employment; Senator Dr Chris Ngige. During his Outburst, he talked down Honourable Abiodun Faleke representing the Ikeja federal Constituency in the Federal House of Assembly and also did the same to Senator Ahmed Tinibu, the former Governor of Lagos State. Honorable Abiodun Faleke threw the first Tantrum at Ngige by going deviating from the NSITF to ask Ngige some derogatory questions which doesn't benefit the Nation. 1. False queried the reasons behind the nomination of Ngige as a minister by President Mohammadu Buhari. Is Faleke trying to tell Ngige that his is incompetent and shouldn't be appointed as a Minister?  2. Honorable Abiodun also asked him if his reappointment as a minister was because he is a member of APC or because


IGALA VS EBIRA: THE ETYMOLOGYCAL AND SCIENTIFIC  TRUTH AT HAND IN THE OWNERSHIP OF AJAOKUTA AND LOKOJA-BY MOMOH YAKUBU Research Paper Presented at the Academic Elite of Ebiraland online Conference Lecture on this day of 21st June, 2020. PREAMBLE: History is the available information about the past to guide us in the conduct of the affairs of the present and assist us in restructuring the future. History, however, does not lie but humans lie in giving account of their own history (Khalid Yasin, 2005). In the same vein, Nelson Mandela opined that a man without the sense of history is like a man without eyes and ears.   MIGRATION AND SETTLEMENT: We urge the readers of this article to digest this with an open mind as students of historical facts.To this ends, putting sentiment aside, both oral tradition and written records collaborated one another that the ancestors of Ebiras around Niger-Benue confluence hailed from the Ancient Jukun Kwararafa kingdom. The Ebira pe

Learn how You Can Generate Electricity In Your home By Your Self

Image, pub-9820276073479546, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script> Do you want to make your own electricity? Then you're at the right place cause in this article I will be showing you step-by-step guide to making your own generator. A generator is simply a device that converts mechanical energy (itself derived from coal, oil, natural gas, wind, water, nuclear reactions or other sources) into electrical energy. Here, we describe how to use readily available materials to make a simple generator. Although it will only be powerful enough to light a small torch bulb, it works on the same basic principles as the power station generators that supply domestic electricity.E veryday what we hear Nigerians shouting is all about the problems of electricity in their house and mostly the community at large. However a lot

Possible Of Reopening School, Federal Government of Nigeria Give 29th July, 2020 For Schools To Get Prepared

The Federal Government has given school owners across the country up to July 29 to meet specific guidelines towards the reopening of schools at a date to be announced in due course. The Minister of State for Education, Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba, stated this on Friday at his office in Abuja, the nation’s capital. Having consulted widely, he revealed that the ministry has developed and circulated guidelines for the reopening of schools, working with the Ministry of Health, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), and the Education in Emergencies Working Group. Nwajiuba stressed the need for school owners to prepare and comply with the guidelines, as well as undertake self-assessment and send feedback to the Ministry of Education in their respective states not later than July 29. He noted that the government would further engage with relevant stakeholders to review the situation and decide on a specific date for reopening of schools or otherwise. The minister said having taken the painfu